Submitted by followmeforadvice t3_z64v3y in LifeProTips

You're ruining their experience. STOP IT.

If you're dealing with someone who you KNOW will research and ruin it for themselves (that's on them, tbh) the most you should say is, "It's best to go into it blind. Take it as it comes. I wouldn't research it."

I was watching reaction videos of a country song. Every reactor was dissecting the song right from the beginning as if it were some sort of murder mystery. When the reveal came, instead of being (touched/delighted/surprised/moved) they reacted like, "Yeah, yeah that tracks..." Inevitably, they would later say something along the lines of, "Y'all told me to pay attention; there was a twist..."

So, instead of genuine reactions, we get bored shoulder shrugs.



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Demonthrall22 t1_ixzufhb wrote

This is the tip that is making me unfollow this sub finally after a year.

So fucking stupid. Nothing “pro” about it. It’s just something someone did that offended you, and now you’re whining to us about it. Bye


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_ixzdstw wrote

r/LifeProTips has become a place where people whine about how they feel they were screwed over.


5lashd07 t1_ixzhbec wrote

Revealing that a twist exists is tantamount to revealing a spoiler.


Total_Customer_6627 t1_ixzfudx wrote

Why are you watching reaction videos to media if you don’t want the twist?


followmeforadvice OP t1_ixzqouw wrote

You misunderstand. I already knew the twist. I wanted to see reactions of people who did not.


MycologistPutrid7494 t1_iy2l4eg wrote

I like to say someone died who doesn't. They're on the edge of their seat every time that character gets into a precarious situation.

"It was so so sad how Woody dies in Toy Story. I cried so hard!"


keepthetips t1_ixzco4d wrote

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the-small-things t1_iy0pqng wrote

Shitty LPT. Don’t most (if not every) film and series have SOME kind of twist? It’s it kind of a given? When thought about logically.

LPT: if you know your friend’s personality traits don’t be a P.O.S. on purpose. Fixed it for you.


S_A_R_K t1_ixzdmpp wrote

Have you seen Wakanda Forever? There's no twist


bias99 t1_iy3vrlm wrote

Another pet peeve posted as a LPT