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CostcoVodkaFancier t1_iwkjpuk wrote

Do not-- I repeat-- DO NOT send him another text.


dramignophyte t1_iwlillx wrote

Its super fun when they are like "im super bad at responding to texts but I really want to hang out!" So you don't get the hint at first and it takes a couple of days of a couple unanswered texts to realize. I just hate how suddenly you're weird for not getting the hint right away. Its like if you're not a mind reader you're weird. Or my absolute favorite is I usually wait an hour to respond to texts (another really stupid thing I found is if you respond within an hour then you're a loser with no life supposedly) but sometimes I'll get frequent texts right back and we text for a while where I respond generally faster but suddenly the texting is too mich and annoying but like... I only try to mirror their general texting amount, I don't actually like texting but then I worry they will think im not interested but god forbid you come off as too interested! I fucking hate the texting before the first date thing. Should you ask questions? Why not save questions for the date? In person I have a very high success rate in asking girls out but for some godforsaken reason theres always like 4 or 5 days before they are free and between then and the date, texting pretty much always ends things before they start and I can't be sure but I'm pretty sure they get annoyed by me texting them. Or maybe im supposed to be more flirty over text? But that feels like the same odea as sending a dick pick, we havent had a first date, I don't feel comfortable being like "what you wearing? ;)"