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FactsFromExperience t1_iydvg2g wrote

I think cleaning that you could "easily die" from not brushing your teeth daily is much over the top! Technically, you could easily die from a lot of things in this world..many of which you would have no participation in whether doing or not doing anything. You could easily die in a car accident or getting hit by a bus or even from being grossly overweight to the point of being what they call morbidly obese for a number of years. You could also easily die from your next bite of food if you choke on it and can't regain your open airway. Well it's a very good tip for even things like motivation and just getting up and doing something for the day I don't think we should sensationalize it to the point of trying to convince people or insinuate that if they don't they're going to have major health problems and could even die from not brushing their teeth daily. Far too much sensationalization, hype, over the top, erroneous, and flat out faults information out there in the world simply because some people believe it to be true.