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boudikit t1_iy9tt9b wrote

This i good advice.

Brush your teeth, change your tampon, take your meds, go back to bed if you need too. Only goals.


DivvySUCKS t1_iyamen8 wrote

Brushing my teeth is one of my least favorite things to do even when I'm in a really good mood.


unsollicited-kudos t1_iyc3vll wrote

Great tip! Also don't follow that stupid tip of "if you can't brush just use mouthwash". Mouthwash at best doesn't do anything and at worst dries out your mouth and makes everything worse. Here are some tips for low-effort oral care that actually do at least something:

- A Waterpik if you can afford one. Not ideal, but definitely better than nothing. Very useful though if you have crowns/veneers!

- Floss sticks or interdental brushes. Less effort than actually flossing but same effect. Toothpicks after a meal can also be helpful.

- Pre-pasted toothbrushes. Put a few by every sink. Yes, they're wasteful, but it's not a permanent solution and non-disabled people also use disposables when they have health issues.

- Just rubbing some toothpaste (with fluoride) on your teeth and gumline with your finger. Don't rinse and wait a little while to drink anything.

- Some electric toothbrushes have built in timers etc, for some people this can work by "gameifying" brushing a little which makes motivation easier to come by.

- Brushing for 20 seconds is better than not at all and will still do more than using mouthwash! Make sure not to rinse after brushing so the fluoride can do its job.


IsuzuTrooper t1_iyavkc3 wrote

Flossing is better so do that first then brush afterwards. You dont want crud in the tweeners.


keepthetips t1_iy91pnk wrote

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Tehnizzim t1_iy9g9x0 wrote

Health tips aren’t allowed in LPT it’s rule 6


unsollicited-kudos t1_iyc479z wrote

This isn't health advice, it's personal hygiene.


Tehnizzim t1_iycwk9r wrote

That’s also literally against the rules. Just go read them


ACoolKoala t1_iydwae1 wrote

Eh, what was personal hygiene optimized for? Probably the spreading of disease or infection. Which is health. Idc either way but yeah personal hygiene is health related.


FactsFromExperience t1_iydvg2g wrote

I think cleaning that you could "easily die" from not brushing your teeth daily is much over the top! Technically, you could easily die from a lot of things in this world..many of which you would have no participation in whether doing or not doing anything. You could easily die in a car accident or getting hit by a bus or even from being grossly overweight to the point of being what they call morbidly obese for a number of years. You could also easily die from your next bite of food if you choke on it and can't regain your open airway. Well it's a very good tip for even things like motivation and just getting up and doing something for the day I don't think we should sensationalize it to the point of trying to convince people or insinuate that if they don't they're going to have major health problems and could even die from not brushing their teeth daily. Far too much sensationalization, hype, over the top, erroneous, and flat out faults information out there in the world simply because some people believe it to be true.


SteelinTacos t1_iybva9x wrote

I don't know if I'm interested in taking medical advice from someone who can't bother to take the time to write their post correctly.


Glittering_Airport_3 t1_iybadv2 wrote

"you could easily die" lol u could maybe die of some kind of infection but most of human history before the days of toothpaste disagree


5neakyGuy t1_iybk7gl wrote

That was before everything is full of sugar and stuff that will degrade your teeth way faster


unsollicited-kudos t1_iyc45v5 wrote

People used to die of tooth decay all the time before toothpaste was invented, especially after the introduction of sugar. You can actually see "toothache" in death records of renaissance England. There's a reason we tolerated having teeth pulled without anesthesia.