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HonestCup20 t1_ixgaru3 wrote

yup.. just call, and keep doing what you're doing.. no need to rush or run to like 99% of things.. last time i actually ran to make a deadline was my Bullet train was leaving and I wasn't paying attention to the time, we had 4 minutes, to pay for our food, run up the esculator and get on the train.. luckily we were super close, but we had to carry luggage and everything and get our meal paid for.. lol but before that, i don't think i've ran to make a meeting time, or "closing time" in a long long time.. i just don't care about most things enough.. but that bullet it would of left without us, and we would of been out a good $200 for our "gran class" (1st class) reserved seats, and then need to pay again. lol.. so yah, we ran.