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keepthetips t1_iy64i77 wrote

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S_Lang t1_iy66wv0 wrote

To perform abdominal thrusts, also called the Heimlich maneuver, on yourself, place a fist slightly above your navel. Grasp your fist with the other hand and bend over a hard surface, such as a chair. Shove your fist inward and upward.


SmackEh t1_iy68lvd wrote

Or stick to puréed foods.


F0lks_ OP t1_iy6ea4o wrote

Indeed, and it made me think that reminding everyone that the maneuver can be done alone would be a nice follow-up LPT.

I apologize if someone mentioned it somewhere in the other thread, didnt read everything


bigredplastictuba t1_iy6edje wrote

I was working at an assisted living home and all the new lake had to do a cpr class and I was the oldest one (like 32) in a room of like 19 y/os and they got to this segment, talking about throwing your choking self onto a chair, and the nearest gen z-er muttered to himself a heartfelt "that's savage" and I about lost my shit lol


NotAshTaylor t1_iy6vqfa wrote

I literally just watched this episode of 30 Rock.


zqpmx t1_iy7h33t wrote

Additionally, chew all your food long enough, before swallowing.


fredsam25 t1_iy8kje4 wrote

Am I the only one amazed everyone can afford steak? If I die young, it'll be from eating too many frozen pizzas and instant ramen, not from choking on prime rib.


imwithstoopad t1_iya4ljj wrote

Learned this as a child when my parents were gone. Was a butterscotch candy and the corner of a washing machine for me


Icy-Town-5355 t1_iya5hts wrote

I always give a slight pause when taking a handful of meds or supplements. Pro Tip: swish them around in your mouth with some water before trying to swallow them so they don't stick together in your throat by trusting saliva alone.


juliajay71 t1_iyates7 wrote

I got one of these and keep it in the kitchen. I felt I would be more successful at this than the self-Heimlich.


420jizzMaster t1_iyats94 wrote

I almost choked to death eating tough fajita meat. I know nothing of Heimlich maneuver but started pounding the crap out of my chest and it finally dislodged. I wish I knew about this stuff sooner. now I get anxiety eating meat and am terrified when my toddler eats since she has chewing issues. Even though I’m alive I feel that experience has permanently scarred me.