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howfastyouweregoing t1_iwxjsaq wrote

i’d have to sort through the mystery of what’s actually in there, and i’m just not psychologically prepared for that


mazurzapt t1_iwya064 wrote

I just cleaned mine out, it wasn’t too scary, but the amount of small notebooks, pens and protein bars in the just knocks me out. No wonder it’s so heavy.


Verbenaplant t1_iwykv8q wrote

I just shake it into a plastic bag and then it goes back in once washed hahah


Verbenaplant t1_iwykx7n wrote

Mines just usually coins, inhalers, pens, one of those sticky balls to collect the small crumbs that get in your bag.


cs_k_ t1_iwyqhvb wrote

Nothing better, than finding your sandwich from the last day of school in the end of august, when mom asks for my backpack to wash it.

Oh, the memories...


Fyregoddess420 t1_ix4dcst wrote

This just brought up a memory. I had left half of my sandwich in my lunchbox and my stepmother found it about a week and a half into summer break of my 6th grade year and she grounded me for the entire summer for wasting food and for leaving it in the lunchbox. I got to watch the neighborhood kids play thru my bedroom window all summer 🤦‍♀️🥺 lesson learned, I threw everything away at school after that. 🤣