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DuckDuckGoose42 t1_ixc0u14 wrote

Lights you can turn on/off from your bed & cameras you can check from your bed (like via your phone) can be really convenient and good deterrent for when dogs bark.


Ronotrow2 t1_ixc1zfd wrote

Yes. Even a camera doorbell is cheaper than nothing. One at front and back. Intercom on them too so you can tell them cops are on the way


stephenmg1284 t1_ixd2ozg wrote

I just wish people wouldn't buy the Amazon ones, they let the police look at any video they want and Jeff Bezos doesn't need any more yachts. Eufy makes a nice one that doesn't send the video off to some cloud server.


Ronotrow2 t1_ixd5fga wrote

Yeah there are quite a few out there that don't cost the earth or need a subscription


stephenmg1284 t1_iyb69nx wrote

Apparently Eufy is sending data off to cloud servers. In going Unifi if they ever come back in stock.