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Ok-Marzipan-9846 t1_ixe1gbh wrote

The best cop thinks like a thief, the best thief thinks like a cop.

Look at you property as if you were to invade.

Secure the perimeter

  • Walk the property with your dog, pick up any trash - basically your way of 'claiming' this space and you will be able see if anybody has been there
  • Look for all potential weak spots that would gain someone access (loose fence boards, easy way to jump fence)
  • Talk to neighbors on all sides of your property

Address the weak points/blindspots

  • Change locks, make sure your windows are locked securely.
  • Install security cams
  • Alarm system
  • Security lights
  • Signs around property

Don't let your routine be predictable

  • If someone is staking you out, do things to throw them off (park your car in a different spot, turn off lights at a different time, keep all windows covered)

Have a response plan

  • Whether that means calling the police, getting your gun, baseball bat, whatever...