Submitted by chiduuuu t3_z1nqey in LifeProTips

Recently moved to a new house,, yesterday morning the window near my bed was slightly open , and my car keys are missing which i kept hands reach to the window,, few days ago 1 of my copy of main door keys went missing thought I dropped them somewhere ,, also plant pots are moved ,, my dog barked at 3 am ish for 2 , 3 days put lights on and checked from inside only ,, saw nothing . Help



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keepthetips t1_ixbwzbw wrote

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kofisbootyos t1_ixbx8fc wrote

Firstly dont put your keys near an open window or in sight. Same goes for anywhere near the door that coukd be hooked through the letter box.

Many police forces use the 'first principle' which is preventjng crime before it happens. Google it and there will be lots of practical ways to improve safety.


MajMajor2x t1_ixbxazo wrote

Outdoor motion-sensor lights and outdoor cameras. Also, switch out the locks if you haven’t already from when you moved in.


karrenl t1_ixbxjqh wrote

Moat with crocodiles


suisorbazor t1_ixbxlj0 wrote

Well I think you already know the tips like close all doors and windows when you leave and you could consider installing a security system with camera's. But if someone already took your keys and is messing around with your things then I would call the police for help.


benjiyon t1_ixbxlwe wrote

Call a locksmith immediately and get your locks changed as quickly as possible.

Don’t keep your keys near a window. At night, draw the curtains so people can’t look in.

Look for a burglar alarm you can set when leaving the house and also when you go to bed.


speculatrix t1_ixbxopg wrote

Imagine you've locked yourself out of the house, and walk around outside thinking how you'd get in.

Meanwhile, change the locks, you don't know if the previous owner gave keys to friends and neighbours.

Put up outside lights, but make sure they don't cause deep shadows, and don't point out into the street, so that they illuminate would-be burglars rather than allow them to hide behind the dazzling lights.


Iee2 t1_ixby5gs wrote

Look at your house as if it's not yours and you want to rob it. What's the first thing you'd do, what would you do to prevent that? Take a look at some videos on YT too. Speak to your family and trusted friends, do the same scenario. Let your creativity shine!


Gunthervonbrocken t1_ixbz65f wrote

Motion lights are a good idea. So are charlie bars, make sure you lock all your windows. Change the keys. It might be worth it to install some cameras as well.


Ronotrow2 t1_ixbzscg wrote

When your dog barks at night, get up turn lights on and check.. Dogs barking can be a deterrent and lights going on too. Get your locks changed, close blinds and windows at dusk.


spartanb301 t1_ixc06fj wrote

You can buy cheap cameras and movement detectors on the Internet. Linked to your phone, it will let you know when somebody is nearby your house.

That way you'll have proof and a way to wear off possible burglars.


Ramtakwitha2 t1_ixc071z wrote

Change the keys definitely but also try to keep your keys out of sight of easily accessed windows. Someone who knows what they are doing can make a copy by just getting a single good look at a key.


AverageAZGuy2 t1_ixc0tda wrote

Change your locks, all of them. Turn on any exterior lights you have and put motion sensor lights in less traveled area. Don’t leave valuables in sight except the obvious things you can’t really hide. Get to know your neighbors.


aerorich t1_ixc3ofb wrote

Also, make sure anyone walking by your house KNOWS you have a dog. Leave out a dog bowl, a "warning, dogs" sign, etc. Burglars hate dogs.

Source: Professional burglar, and I hate dogs*

^((*but not really, just thought that would be funny.))


North_Branch_5194 t1_ixc6pc0 wrote

Have a locksmith assess your house for ways to break in and provide solutions. I had a locksmith show me how to break in with a screw driver in less than 5 seconds. It was crazy fast. He fixed it.


PrisonerV t1_ixch9vu wrote

I bought a bunch of those solar lights off Amazon that come on super bright for 30 seconds with motion and put them all around the driveway and on the side of the house.

You walk around my house at night and it will light you up like a christmas tree.


bicycles_sunset t1_ixchvg8 wrote

Make a burglar have to take time, make noise and be seen. Make it seem like someone or a dog is home Make your treasure seem less desirable. Examples: beefy strike plates, strategic security film, fake cameras, see-through fences, less places to hide,some crappy looking stuff outside, keep a talk radio on loud so it can be heard from outside the front door. Huge sog bowl near back door (even if you don’t have one). Etc etc


stressed0324 t1_ixcpyma wrote

I have a crazy 80 lb dog and a combat veteran husband with ptsd. He doesn’t sleep much and instantly goes on patrol if the dog starts barking in the middle of the night. Honestly, if someone broke into my house, good luck to them. Everyone else’s suggestions are more reasonable, but those are mine. Get yourself a large crazy dog and a combat vet.


FalcoSlay t1_ixczzz4 wrote

Motion sense lights are a must, the brighter the better. No one wanta to commit crime in plain view. Cameras are a good option as well, lots of sales happening the next few weeks from blink/ring


stephenmg1284 t1_ixd1vha wrote

First, external lighting that is motion activated. Make sure all of your windows lock properly. Worse case is Amazon sells a window lock that clips on. For your doors, if you can not account for all keys, either replace the lock or have a locksmith rekey it. Most break-ins happen through the front door by kicking it in. Replace the hinge screws with long screws that go into the door frame stud. Same with the strike plates. They also make strike plates that are longer and connect both the door knob and deadbolt. Reduce spots that can be used to hide while breaking in. The goal is to make your house look harder to break into than your neighbors. An alarm sign also helps. The actual alarm is optional.


stephenmg1284 t1_ixd2ozg wrote

I just wish people wouldn't buy the Amazon ones, they let the police look at any video they want and Jeff Bezos doesn't need any more yachts. Eufy makes a nice one that doesn't send the video off to some cloud server.


sloooopy t1_ixd4xeo wrote

No need to comment, he's probably already tied up in his own basement.


plaxer_x t1_ixd566d wrote

Make it decently obvious that you would love to have your day made by someone trying to break into your castl… house


yogert909 t1_ixd7tu6 wrote

Don’t underestimate passive security.

Plant rose bushes or cactus under your windows. Build a fence around your back yard and cover it with thorny bushes like a bougainvillea. Plant bushes near the front door so there’s only one rout to enter/escape. Build a low fence or hedge around the front yard so people can see in, but it’s an obstacle to entry/escape. Get a dog that barks at strangers.

Also, don’t leave anything valuable in plain sight.


pearltx t1_ixdftto wrote

Put home security stickers on your doors and windows. You can buy them on Amazon, even without having a system.


Only-Teacher-1925 t1_ixduck1 wrote

If you have sliding glass doors Get a 2X4 a little smaller than where the door slides & ends. Place the 2X4 in that space when you go out or go to bed.


ohno t1_ixduxzp wrote

I think you're jumping to conclusions assuming a burglar took your keys when the more obvious explanation is that your house is haunted.

Oh, and as someone else mentioned, motion sensor activated lights will go a long way towards making your house less attractive to burglars.


disgruntledpeach t1_ixdzfd8 wrote

My friend never told me his mom moved, so when I came to pick him up when we were back from college I just walked in on a family with young children having breakfast. The dad and I made eye contact, I put my hand up and backed out, quietly closing the door and walked to my car.


Ok-Marzipan-9846 t1_ixe1gbh wrote

The best cop thinks like a thief, the best thief thinks like a cop.

Look at you property as if you were to invade.

Secure the perimeter

  • Walk the property with your dog, pick up any trash - basically your way of 'claiming' this space and you will be able see if anybody has been there
  • Look for all potential weak spots that would gain someone access (loose fence boards, easy way to jump fence)
  • Talk to neighbors on all sides of your property

Address the weak points/blindspots

  • Change locks, make sure your windows are locked securely.
  • Install security cams
  • Alarm system
  • Security lights
  • Signs around property

Don't let your routine be predictable

  • If someone is staking you out, do things to throw them off (park your car in a different spot, turn off lights at a different time, keep all windows covered)

Have a response plan

  • Whether that means calling the police, getting your gun, baseball bat, whatever...

814420 t1_ixe8m01 wrote

Change all the locks and codes. Get motion activated outdoor lights. I personally like ADT but there are some other options for security systems that renters can use and take with them when they leave.


BeneficialVacation44 t1_ixe92gj wrote

Lighting is your friend. Put lights outdoors and lots of them, and leave a light or two on inside. Most crooks will ply their filthy trade away from lights.

Sometime even this won't work on those whose minds are too warped by drugs and alcohol.


[deleted] t1_ixe9id8 wrote

if you lack the combat Vet you only need to remember that random passing suspect #5 doesn't know that.

A pair of well worn, muddy army boots at the door with 2-3 fired shotgun shells (just ask someone who goes to a range if they can give you some) lying on the floor next to them will already make many would-be robbers reconsider their choice.

Criminals mostly act based on their experience and what opportunities they see: the moment they feel that the risk is higher than the reward they'll go for something easier, less risky.


luckygirl54 t1_ixebe3z wrote

Change locks 1st thing. Talk to your neighbors and check their doorcams if they have them. Talk to the police and let them know to beef up patrol of your neighborhood. Give your dog a treat and tell him he's (she's) good. You have been lucky so far. Time to act.


SheBear661 t1_ixf4nte wrote

Get a remote to turn on lights in other rooms, keep next to your bed. If you hear a noise, hit it and see if anyone runs by you.


SheBear661 t1_ixf4xjw wrote

A recording of loading a shotgun works if you don't have one. A bf had a real one next to the bed, "If they hear me load that, they're gonna run." 🤔👍🏼


Dull_Lavishness7701 t1_ixfpbq7 wrote

The number of times someone has stopped a burglar with a gun in the home is soooo tiny. Especially compared to the number of people that live in the house that wind up killed by that same gun. This good guy with a gun myth is ridiculous


Dull_Lavishness7701 t1_ixfyvzx wrote

The burglar is not the one doing the killing. Usually there's an accident, suicide it just plain old murder. But the odds are wildly against someone "getting" a home invader Burglars are opportunists, they take easy targets where theyre pretty sure no one is home


ShadowDragon140 t1_ixg3jzx wrote

Put a fake real enough security sticker in your entry door ways of your house to deter theifs. It might not work half the time but they don’t know if you have a security system or not and they’ll back away knowing to not mess with your house or your belongings. Good Luck:)


deepndarkheart t1_ixgkki3 wrote

Draw the curtains and also keep a water drinking glass or coffee cup at the window sill, so when someone drops in the glass falls and you wake up. But be super careful with that as they could be carrying a gun.