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johncandyspolkaband t1_ix8iur9 wrote

Works for me as well. Bill Curtis American Justice puts me out in minutes.


Revenge_of_the_User t1_ix9dmms wrote

Has the opposite effect for my roomie and I; our brains latch onto the narrative and wont let go.

White noise like the dishwasher, or laundry going is what works best here. Just something that is without demanding your attention.


Brownie-UK7 t1_ix9na7h wrote

Addon to this: listen to something that you’ve listened to before. That way you’re not that intrigued to know what happens next.


yapibolers0987 t1_ix8r345 wrote

Ya listen to horror stories before sleeping so you dream about it and have a more hard time sleeping after


LordTengil t1_ix8rt45 wrote

Could you give me some channel suggestions?


DrDarkTV OP t1_ix8sjs6 wrote

There are many actually but my favorites are (you can search it on YouTube)

Mr Nightmare

Mr Creeps

Dr Creepen

Chilling Scares

Let's Read

even I also narrate stories on my YouTube channel but the channel above have been doing it way better and way longer than me so check the above channels out


Okorzo t1_ix8svzh wrote

i would add The French Whisperer ASMR : reads about history astronomy science etc


JohnLeTour t1_ix8mduz wrote

For everyone who grew up with Reading Rainbow or just enjoy short stories, I highly suggest checking out Lavar Burton Reads. I listen to it on long car rides and and when going to sleep and it’s great.


blindparasaurolophus t1_ix8n7oe wrote

The History of English Podcast puts me to sleep in 15 minutes or less every time. It's interesting content too, but delivered so calmly.


Early_Ad8422 t1_ix9g7g8 wrote

Sleep With Me podcast is amazing


keepthetips t1_ix8icst wrote

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AlternativeAardvark6 t1_ix8l8mz wrote

I listen to T90Official on YouTube commenting Age Of Empires 2 DE matches, helps me fall asleep.


maraxgold t1_ix8lrkh wrote

I fall asleep to Dateline LOL! It’s weird but it does put me to sleep.


Your_Trash_Daddy t1_ix8pbuc wrote

There are collections of old radio shows (mystery, adventure, scifi) in YouTube that I use for this. I like them because many have just black screens, and there's nothing tempting to watch.


Sudheer_mysterious t1_ix8u7y7 wrote

I have been doing this from past 3 years. I hope these help people to sleep faster. YT channels:

  1. Lew Later
  2. John Michael godier
  3. Michael Sealey
  4. Motivational stories

FinnBullWinter t1_ix93d9t wrote

HorrorBabble works for me. I’m a big fan of Ian Gordon and his voice.


WinoWithAKnife t1_ix955w0 wrote

My partner loves The Empty Bowl podcast. Two dudes talking about breakfast cereal in very calm even voices.


Legitimate_Pirate249 t1_ix9faip wrote

I really like listening to a podcast called Sigrdrifa to fall asleep, she has such a nice and calming voice and tells stories of Norse mythology


b14z3d21 t1_ix9ft7n wrote

Also, headphones meant to wear while laying down and sleeping helps too. I listen to talk radio every night on mine and I am out within 5 minutes.


DivvySUCKS t1_ix9hfc1 wrote

I never want to fall asleep, so this tip is not for me


boipinoi604 t1_ix9qx7r wrote

I watch SuperGT channel on youtube on his racing video games commentary


kallerdis t1_ix9rh2v wrote

best is to look my old collage mathematical analysis e lectures, max 5 minutes needed


ooh_melody t1_ixalhq2 wrote

I do this too, except with cult podcasts. My partner thought it was funny when we first started dating but he’s a witness to how it knocks me out within 5 min every time.


MLD4789 t1_ixbbig1 wrote

I like deeper voices to lull me to sleep so I listen to LeVar Burton Reads, Sean Carroll's Mindscape, or Startalk. Those podcasts put me out like a light in minutes. I am hopeful I'll learn some physics in my sleep, but I don't seem to be any smarter yet. Bummer! Bonus is that the podcasts also drown out the tinnitus.


slarrtibarrtfasst t1_ixc5tl5 wrote

Yep. This helped me for a while. But then I started working out and running long, slow runs, and there was never a day I ran in which I didn't sleep after 11. My eye shuts by itself.


cenny_universe t1_ixd5dw0 wrote

The "Nothing Much Happens" podcast is perfect for this! Soft voice, soothing daily life style stories. The aurhor/host Kathryn Nicolai describes it as bedtime stories for grown ups.


ScarletGarter t1_ixfnq0h wrote

Mentally recite multiplication tables.


Flair_Helper t1_ixkvsv5 wrote

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