Submitted by donkeyboarder t3_z9763x in LifeProTips

Ever since I was a kid (43 now), I would get a canker sore whenever I accidentally bite the interior of my mouth. This happens while eating food. I know, it sounds pretty clumsy but I can’t be the only one!! Anyways, It was always inevitable that once bitten I would get a painful sore on the site.

Recently, I wondered if the reason the mouth sores are forming is the bacteria/germs/food on my biting teeth becoming lodged in the wound. Then, rinsing/flushing the site with saline (salt water) may just remove enough of whatever causes the sores from forming.

Yesterday I bit down on my inner lower lip so hard it made a crunching noise. It was a bad one. I thought it was a great opportunity to try out my salt water theory. I rinsed the wound with salt water immediately and then again multiple times through the day, nearly on the hour. I rinsed again this morning and no sore had formed. At lunch I bit the site again because it is still enlarged from the bite yesterday. I quickly rinsed again, and then again once I got home. Still, no sore.

A know it is anecdotal, however this is the first time a painful canker sore has not formed inside my mouth after biting in decades. Please remember this if you also have this same problem and have just been dealing with having painful mouth sores for a week or longer, at times.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to finding the real LPT for canker sores in the top comment.



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