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dvlpr404 OP t1_iy8uwmn wrote

This is a somewhat fair point. However a new large SUV (4 kids and me and missus) is around 80k.

80,000/10 is 8000. In 10 years I've spent maybe 6k, including repairs. That's less in 10 years than one year with the new vehicle. Not even counting interest.


Articulationized t1_iy8ybx4 wrote

If you are using USD, 80k is a very expensive SUV. New 2023 Toyota 4Runners start at less than $40k.


dvlpr404 OP t1_iy96rqo wrote

I'm not sure that a 4R can fit 8 or 9. Either way, I want to be able to seat everyone while still having back storage.

Edit: standard seating is 5. Optional 3rd row but no room and almost no storage. Not idea.

I occasionally have to drive 9 people around at one time. I can seat 9 if I have to. 3 seats up front, 3 in mid, 3 in back. The center console fold up to produce a seat.


Anonynous2206 t1_iy9nabo wrote

Your gas mileage is like worse than the new car.

I spend less on my car payment than I was in gas on my old 1999 Avalon each month. Bought a brand new 2022 corrola hybrid