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Pimp_Daddy_Patty t1_iy4x5tn wrote

Where I live, the beginners license specifically forbids driving on the freeway and after dark.


Go_Cart_Mozart t1_iy5k1dz wrote

Even while learning with an adult in the passenger seat?


Practical_Awareness t1_iy5ohwj wrote

In England (maybe whole of UK?) you can only go on the motorway with a qualified instructor and in a dual controlled car (so the front passenger also has clutch and brake pedals). Recently changed, used to be that you couldn't go on the motorway until you'd passed your test.


Go_Cart_Mozart t1_iy5wt9x wrote

That just seems strange. How else are you supposed to learn?


Pimp_Daddy_Patty t1_iy81u2a wrote

There are 2 levels of learners permit in Ontario.

G1 is as stated above, you basically learn to operate the vehicle in traffic and on roads with a posted speed limit of 80 km/h. You also have to have a licensed driver with you at all times.

You then graduate to a G2 where you can drive on freeways and after dark. As far as I remember, any traffic violations knock you down to G1.


sith4life88 t1_iy67q2d wrote

In Ontario Canada we have similar rules. Not allowed on a road with a posted limit above 80 km/h with your g1 (basically a learners permit) unless you're with a licensed driving instructor.


John_EightThirtyTwo t1_iy8iats wrote

OK, but eventually you'll have to drive in the dark, and drive on the freeway. So the instructions should cover that, right? So the LPT is a good one, isn't it?


Pimp_Daddy_Patty t1_iy8mawo wrote

That's basically the intention of the wnd level of our 2 level beginners graduation system.