Submitted by BigDapRamirez t3_z4kii3 in LifeProTips

Even though i double my water intake during winter i usually feel a little sluggish and slow.

I counteract this by making a big soup once or twice a week and have a small bowl with every meal.

Hundreds if not thousands of recipes available for variation.

Cheap too for the level of nutrients and flavor it gives.

Some potatoes,vegetables,boullion and you're set..



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cchhhhc t1_ixrezey wrote

Soup is literally one of my most favorite foods. I eat it almost everyday. The winter air is still affecting me pretty hardcore.


coolaira16 t1_ixrg0q1 wrote

humidifiers are great too! i sleep way better with one in the winter


ivaldx t1_ixrpp1e wrote

Can't you just drink water?


BigDapRamirez OP t1_ixs5v09 wrote

Yes,but too much water de-salinize you and can be bad for overall health.

Thats the reason too much water can kill you.

Go soups!


DevourerOfSoups t1_ixslj96 wrote

This is not true unless you drink 6 liters at once, and even the driest winter won’t dehydrate you even remotely that much.

Soups are great, this reasoning is absolutely not. Sorry.


BigDapRamirez OP t1_ixsqvy8 wrote

So it is true. You contradict my statement then agree to it in the same sentence.

A normal winter will dehydrate you a lot, but just using water for hydration is not optimal health wise.


hangryhyax t1_ixt5ynj wrote

They didn’t agree with you at all. You also don’t need soups for hydration; you will get enough water from a healthy diet and normal water intake. Everything you’re saying is wrong… except that soup is delicious, that part is correct.


DevourerOfSoups t1_ixsr6g9 wrote

Then you seem to have trouble reading, because I fully contradict you. Drinking water is sufficient to counterbalance the dry air. You don’t need soup for that.

Water is only bad for you if you consume an insane amount of it.


Kidnovatex t1_ixshre5 wrote

Eat a normal diet and drink water and this is not an issue. I love soup, but this isn't really a useful LPT.


Flowofinfo t1_ixs1ykv wrote

This is so silly for multiple reasons


DivvySUCKS t1_ixsek0q wrote

You mean you never went to the doctor, had them tell you we're dehydrated, and that you needed to eat soup right away? Me either lol

Life pro tips used to be pretty useful. Things like "go to this website to get around a paywall". Now we're being told to eat soup to hydrate, as if we were unaware that soup has water in it.

A groundbreaking revelation, this is not.


Flowofinfo t1_ixseqhv wrote

This isn’t even the worst that I’ve seen on here. I’ve seen other stuff that totally blew me away


DivvySUCKS t1_ixs1nqq wrote

Yes, to hydrate athletes, Gatorade sells soup.


Demonthrall22 t1_ixs7i4j wrote

Soup contains much more sodium and potassium than Gatorade. 👍🏻

Just because someone is trying to sell you something doesn’t mean it’s a better choice


BigDapRamirez OP t1_ixsdy6n wrote

Depends if you make it yourself or buy those premade powder mixes..

(Make it yourself) its like 30min of work and you have food for several days. Very cost effective.


MyNameIsSkittles t1_ixrsgn8 wrote

Even better: learn how to make your own "bone broth" or stocks (instant pot is great for this) for your soups and get even more nutrition into you


BunInTheSun27 t1_ixspjdp wrote

I personally think this is a fun idea. Of course you can drink just water, like many point out, but the reason to vary the intake types is to overcome flavor boredom. Very common phenomenon. It’s why it’s easier to eat a lot of many kinds of foods than a lot of one food only (ie the foundation of many funny restriction “diets”). This tip takes advantage of that psychological phenomenon and uses it to make a healthy habit fun! It’s the same reason I have many kinds of tea and seltzer flavorings.


Octopus_Camouflage t1_ixsc60c wrote

Use humidifiers or if you own, consider whole house humidifier. Well worth it.


DueAdhesiveness1229 t1_ixslnuw wrote

It is actually better to drink 10 minutes before eating. If you add water while eating the acids lose efficiency


Sundayx1 t1_ixsw79o wrote

This past year I’ve read a lot of articles on how dehydration is linked to a lot of health issues. Staying hydrated is important .


GermanShephrdMom t1_ixtcw18 wrote

This is not a great pro tip. Soup is almost always high in sodium. My elderly parents ate soup once a day until they were diagnosed with high blood pressure due to their high sodium diet.


dupattaluella t1_ixuqtb4 wrote

You can drink water, drink tea, drink Gatorade, etc to stay hydrated. You can also use a humidifier or pot of simmering water on your stove to add humidity to the air to help.

Not that soup is bad, but I wouldn't consider this a pro tip at all.


keepthetips t1_ixrakan wrote

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SexHaiiiir t1_ixstv5q wrote

Everyone is being really pedantic. Drink water or Gatorade if it makes you feel better, this guy is just sharing a tip they they find makes winter a bit more bearable. Make your own soup and control the sodium levels. Don’t drink it at all if you don’t want to but honestly the comments are ridiculous.


BigDapRamirez OP t1_ixsvpyj wrote

Well said.

Brawndo has electrolytes,guess soup doesn't.

Just trying to show alternative ways of staying hydrated by adjusting your diet during the seasons for a better well being.


GimmeAMalt t1_ixt7qdc wrote

Beer is mostly water.


TheRealNap0le0n t1_ixwoj18 wrote

LPT: in Florida during the winter it's still very humid out and this will not apply.


Dry_Apartment_6037 t1_ixu3xtl wrote

This life tip is an excellent one that many have yet to discover.

  1. Not only does it help with hydration, but it also
  2. saves on groceries as aging/getting old vegetables in the veg drawer can be used in soups.
  3. most soup recipes are nutrient rich and simple.
  4. Dishes are minimal so clean up isn't a huge chore.
  5. Making soups, stocks and rues is a great hobby to have that can fight boredom and depression!

[deleted] t1_ixt7j23 wrote

Few pieces of information for you -

Soup is awful for your digestion. Dilluting your stomach acids with a bunch of water (on top of what you normally drink) literally makes digestion slower, and digesting food is what takes up the large majority of your energy throughout the day.

Therefore, eating soup will not help in any way to get you out of your "sluggish" feeling. If anything, it's part of what's causing it.

Water is not good to keep you from dehidration after a certain point, and that's because depending on the water you're drinking it likely doesn't have electrolytes, which is what actually hydrates you.

Instead of eating soup and drinking twice as much water drink 300-400 ml of electrolytes every 2-3 days alongside your regular water intake, it will actually keep you hydrated and you will feel much better.


BigDapRamirez OP t1_ixt9vho wrote

Funny, I experience the exact opposite, soup is great for your digestion and improves your general well being.

Maybe im wrong and should go with brawndo like you suggest since it has electrolytes.


[deleted] t1_ixvaong wrote

The one upside soup has is that it fills you up with water, so you don't end up eating as many solids.

If it's working for you, by all means go for it.

Different stuff works for all of us I guess, I was literally just repeating what 4 different nutritionists said to me at some point lol.