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Guilty_Outcome1111 t1_j1vf2i8 wrote

One that is most commonly forgotten but probably BEST use.

Hold it up right outside with your friend doing the same and run around wiggling it yelling "NOODLE PARTY"

Bonus tip. Leave a pile on the grass and see how many passer-bys you can get involved.

Our record is 17 people (mostly neighbourhood kids) One of my personal favourite remedies for depression 😁


StudyHallSecrets t1_j1xvsfp wrote

This didn't happen and it's sad that you would make it up


UnchartedHero t1_j1z83bv wrote

Take this time to reflect on how negative of a person you areπŸ™


StudyHallSecrets t1_j22fo71 wrote

I'm fully aware of the amount of negative-ness I distribute and am happy with the current amount. Also you're a pussy ass bitch lmao