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Marine__0311 t1_iznycvp wrote

I don't know what planet OP lives on, but that has never been an issue ever, in the five plus decades I've been alive.


techtornado t1_izoaotu wrote

Agreed, I go for what I want, there’s no rule that can stop me from making the first slice of cake or the first scoop into banana pudding

I’m on a seafood diet, I see food… and eat it!


Anonynominous t1_izop08m wrote

Right? How is this a "Life Pro Tip"


swaggyxwaggy t1_izozehi wrote

Didn’t you know this sub is basically r/showerthoughts?


noitstoolate t1_izowf46 wrote

Hahahaha, so funny you say that. I was just thinking finally a LPT that isn't either ridiculous or obvious. I have definitely walked by the desert table a few times waiting for someone else to take the first piece. I will eventually just do it myself and that seems to happen pretty dang often. Maybe that's just confirmation bias or whatever but this idea is novel, simple, and helpful. Great Life Pro Tip in my opinion.