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DaHotFuzz t1_j1q3ris wrote

A crowded highway during heavy snowfall and especially low visibility is much more dangerous, particularly because of the increased speeds. I always take city streets unless the roads I'm driving on are very narrow and are known to have tons of vehicles parked on sides of the roads.

Source: I've experienced some shit lol


ramriot t1_j1q647e wrote

Yes, you may be better of in urban areas doing this. But outside of that there have been numerous incidents of people straying from the highway onto roads that are rarely travelled in winter & not surviving after getting stuck.


GnomesSkull t1_j1qbo59 wrote

This is yet another LPT that's a case of "get to know your situation so you can make the best decision and not rely on simple rules"


redrumWinsNational t1_j1qr0zs wrote

There’s a wee bit of difference between city streets and what OP is talking about


2workigo t1_j1q6gin wrote

Same. I’ve also experienced some shit. I commuted 50 miles one way for over 15 years. There were 2 routes - one a major highway, the other back roads. I learned quickly to stay off the highway. At least on the back roads there were many houses I could easily get to in an emergency. On the highway I faced too many drivers driving too fast and following too closely. Plus, there was the possibility of getting stuck on the highway for hours if there was an accident.