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Catspaw129 t1_j2b37m9 wrote

Someone, I won't say who, never met my mother.


codece t1_j2b4fjy wrote

My thoughts exactly. My mother kept the sheets and pillowcases folded in the linen closet, and would iron them before she made the bed.


Catspaw129 t1_j2bas8j wrote

Oh my! It gets worse...

My mom's sister is a nun (and therefore kind of doubly her "sister") . She's the principal at the Catholic boarding school to which I was sent.

Talk about folding and ironing...

I'm thinking that if your mom ironed the sheets and pillowcases before making up the bed, then at the very least the bed linens may have been warm and toasty?



codece t1_j2bg2r9 wrote

> the bed linens may have been warm and toasty?

Hahaha, it wasn't that bad. She wasn't a posh butler, waiting to iron the linens just before we retired for the evening, lol!


Catspaw129 t1_j2bop9h wrote

You're lucky.

My mom's sister (the nun) insisted that when the bed linens were ironed that spray starch was used. So the creases were viciously sharp. Every morning I would wake up, my body oozing blood with what looked kind of like paper cuts.

I mentioned that to the priest associated with the parish and he told me it must be "stigmata". He said he'd be talking to Rome about sainthood, but it's been a few decades and I have yet to hear back.


LordAtchley t1_j2cdw1w wrote

I read this completely deadpan and then enjoyed a good hearty chuckle. Thank you.


Catspaw129 t1_j2ci1kf wrote

What? Do you think this is funny?

I've been waiting for quite a while; in my time I've endured:

- 2 English monarchs

- A gaggle of popes

- Who knows how many English PM's (one of which could not afford/know how to use a comb)

And yet, here I am, waiting for sainthood, or at least to be beatified, for having survived Sr. Mary Penguin's viciously creased sheets and pillows (which did not do anything good for my red blood cell count or my hemoglobin values.)

I know that saints have to suffer adversity; but, you know, there is a limit to such things...

~ Catspaw129 (candidate for sainthood)


LordAtchley t1_j2coqme wrote

Have you tried doubling down on the heroic virtue? I hear that usually works.


Catspaw129 t1_j2d7p11 wrote

By golly: You raise a good point -- the doubling down on heroic virtue thingy.

Even as I write this I am negotiating for the charter of a helicopter with downward facing speakers with a Wagner soundtrack (and of course a PR firm with a photographer.)

I wish we had this discussion about a week ago: I could have swooped down from the sky and provided aid and comfort to all those folks stranded by Southwest Airlines by tossing rolls of toilet tissue to those unfortunate souls!

A well-documented act like that is surely worthy of expedited sainthood.


damarius t1_j2cc11h wrote

>My mom's sister is a nun

Is your Mom Attila the hun? (Sorry, John Prine joke).


Catspaw129 t1_j2cd9bm wrote

Well, yeah! That's my mom!

And her sister: My brother calls her Sr. Mary Penguin.


Catspaw129 t1_j2d9btv wrote

Edited to add:

I call my mom's sister "Attila the nun"

'cause , you know, you've got to get that palindrome "nun", in their.

(I once pointed that out to a priest that a nun is a palindrome; he was not amused. I'm still doing Hail Mary's.)

He said:
"That's my sister you're talking about!"


Champlainmeri t1_j2cnv4s wrote

The ironing is to kill organisms on the sheets. We don't have to do that anymore.


ouyin2000 t1_j2bop68 wrote

My grandmother would do the same. She also ironed her jeans.


General_Spark1001 t1_j2bz9zx wrote

My grandpa did all the ironing in their household and taught us kids to iron using his socks and handkerchiefs for practice 🤣 not at all sure if he ironed those on the day to day tho!


my-cat-cant-cat t1_j2c0tqe wrote

I thought I’d long since buried the memory of my mom making me iron all the sheets. Ugh.


lavenderrabe t1_j2chplz wrote

To be fair, it is LOVELY getting into a crisp freshly ironed bed 🤤

Not enough that I'd iron my sheets mind you. But it is lovely in a hotel and at granny's house


Catspaw129 t1_j2d8k1g wrote

"To be fair, it is LOVELY getting into a crisp freshly ironed bed 🤤
Not enough that I'd iron my sheets mind you"

....said someone who secretly irons their sheets. It's OK to admit it. Heck, I might invite you over to iron my sheets before I take a snooze.


lavenderrabe t1_j2dxpq8 wrote

I WISH I had it in me to iron my sheets 😂 trust me I'd not hide it if I had that sort of time and energy


Catspaw129 t1_j2fqiez wrote


Maybe you misunderstand?

I wasn't talking about you ironing YOUR sheets. I was talking about you ironing MY sheets.

There's a crucial difference there.

If you do a nice job and I'm all warm and cozy when I put myself down to sleep in those freshly pressed sheets, then I'll give your a good review! (I have 3 followers on Facebook!)


RandomFrenchGal t1_j2dk5uf wrote

My mom ironed and folded sheets before putting them away into perfect piles in the linen closet.

Mine usually go from the bed to the machine to the dryer to the bed :D


southdakotagirl t1_j2db2o1 wrote

My grandma did this too. I can't fold a folded sheet and I don't even own a iron.


dutchcourage- t1_j2d9dzc wrote

I’ve definitely met your mother


Catspaw129 t1_j2d9xwd wrote

Oh my!

Perhaps we can form a club? Maybe build a tree house? Have sekrit oaths and stuff?


dutchcourage- t1_j2dkch1 wrote

Sounds good, son!


Catspaw129 t1_j2dmf7m wrote


I always wondered why I had no resemblance to my mother's husband.

You wrote that you definitely met my mother...

Are you, perhaps, my father? My name out in the real world is "Luke". Might your name in the real world be "Anakin"?


BugsCheeseStarWars t1_j2dglyc wrote

Stand up to your mommy and you'll never need to fold anything in your life ever again.


SighlentNite t1_j2dr2vq wrote

That is pretty much word for word what I thought.

I won't even attempt this at my own house. She will sense it somehow next time she visits.


Jugales t1_j2avhib wrote

You're completely right in a logical world, but my brain is illogical and knowing it's not folded will keep me awake at night


Plic_Plac t1_j2d110u wrote

I think it would take more space if not folded and it's not as ergonomic. Optimal is still folded I think 🤔


salt_low_ t1_j2da1on wrote

Haha who doesn't want ergonomic fitted sheets? They should include it as a selling point


Catspaw129 t1_j2dgpxs wrote

Someone, I won't say who, may be unfamiliar with sleeping bags and "stuff sacks".


Sherlocksister t1_j2ctb4e wrote

I iron my duvet covers, pillow cases and fitted sheets! Always have. It would annoy the shit out of me to look at a crumpled bed. Tbf, my mum always did too.


Catspaw129 t1_j2dgkh7 wrote

INFO please: are you talking about the folds in your sheets & pillowcases or the foldy thingies in the grey matter of your brain?

Or both?


Grizzchops t1_j2awelu wrote

If you're looking at my sheets in my closet, you're going to have to leave


Spazmer t1_j2c4quo wrote

Wait until my children are old enough to live on their own, then their roommate discovers that we just shove our sheets into the linen closet and slam the door closed. Then it's too late, the lease has been signed and you're stuck with them!


PM_ME_FUNFAX t1_j2b3gmy wrote

Yep, I can't think of anyone close enough to me to critique my sheets that I have put away on the closet.


WolfangStudios t1_j2bg5ep wrote

Yep, I can't think of anyone close enough to me to critique my sheets that I have put away on the closet.


Catspaw129 t1_j2fr25m wrote

Geeze folks, face it: a linen closet is just a rigid stuff-sack.


Jimmirehman t1_j2azm46 wrote

Wait till you’re older and one of the few things you can control in life are non-wrinkled sheets.


Catspaw129 t1_j2dh449 wrote

I suspect that someone, I won't say who, is living with a lot of young children and is desperate yearns for a little order in their life.

Best of luck to that someone!


Jimmirehman t1_j2dhf2e wrote

Nope. Thanks though


Catspaw129 t1_j2djnrl wrote


First: I wasn't talking about you.


It seems you are taking this personally; so, may I rephrase?

"Someone, not named Jimmireman, may have -- sometime in the past -- been blessed with a passel of young children (maybe nephew and nieces) and, in a desperate attempt to establish just a little bit of order to their life, took to ironing their bed linens."

*This rephrasing is offered with gentle humor.


weenopod t1_j2bd8e3 wrote

I care! Therefore my fitted sheets get folded. Neatly 😁


coyote-1 t1_j2bshd6 wrote

They take up less storage space when neatly folded. Which makes it well worth the 90 seconds it takes to fold them after washing & drying them.


FerricDonkey t1_j2dw7yp wrote

Only if you need the extra storage space. I just kind of throw them at a shelf, it's good enough.


albertogonzalex t1_j2c3p4q wrote

No one cares. But it's pretty easy and so satisfying to fold a fitted sheet


ScottCold t1_j2dq8lz wrote

Seriously. When you turn fitted sheets upside down, the elastic corners still form a loose, manageable corner, which means it is a rectangle like any other sheet. Use those as your folding corners and you are 95% of the way there. The other five percent is how much effort you want to put into folding them perfectly flat.


Zestfullyclean87 t1_j2cgko1 wrote

I have never once successfully folded a fitted sheet. It has never caused me problems. In fact, the only problem I ever faced was trying to fold the fitted sheet.


deltoidmachineFF t1_j2dkvqu wrote

Folding fitted sheets is the bane of my existance


beerhoppy t1_j2dpsp8 wrote

I’ve found the easiest two way’s, depending on if you’re alone or have help: to turn the sheet so the elastic is on top holding the outside of the seam, making sure the elastic is loose above the sheet, almost as if you’re ignoring that part, then folding it regularly OR if you turn one corner in and one out so they lay inside of each other and then it creates a nice line along the top and bottom edges, you and someone else would fold opposite sides in (you fold your right hand in, they fold their left hand in) then fold like normal sheet.

I hope that makes sense. Once I learned the first way, I’ve never had an issue with fitted sheets


snpods t1_j2e06zy wrote

I once had a woman at a laundromat ask if she could pay me to fold her fitted sheets. I politely declined and taught her instead.

Stick your hands inside the “pockets” that the corner seams form, starting with two adjacent corners. Match up the points, and then flip one corner over onto the other, so that both corners are now over one hand. Set this side down and repeat on the other side.

Then repeat with the two “double stacked” corners, so that all four corners are layered over each other. At that point, you should be able to fold the “side” parts to form a normal rectangle that’s about 1/4 the size of the mattress. Then fold that rectangle normally.


CentiPetra t1_j2dnpr0 wrote

Just cut the elastic in the corners and sew buttons there. Then you can unbutton them and fold them nicely, and just fasten the buttons when it's time to put them on the bed.


SomehowGonkReturned t1_j2b1cep wrote

As someone with OCD, I care if my fitted sheets are folded. Sometimes I can’t even function if I don’t do tasks such as cleaning (including folding my fitted sheets)


Beautiful_Path_3519 t1_j2b1ykl wrote

Stuff inside a matching pillowcase and call it a set.


patricia_iifym t1_j2ce2n3 wrote

I’m not an expert but I’m still pretty sure that’s not how OCD works, unfortunately 🫠


adgjl65 t1_j2dxu9v wrote

Can you elaborate on this comment? It sounds exactly like OCD to me.


patricia_iifym t1_j2dyfy6 wrote

I was replying to the comment saying it’s as easy as “stuffing it inside a pillowcase & calling it a day”. Yeah, it seems objectively easy, but not if you struggle with OCD.

I don’t know if I’m making sense?


ForceOfAHorse t1_j2cyv9q wrote

You don't have OCD.


SomehowGonkReturned t1_j2farp4 wrote

Wow, you make a solid argument, now I’m really torn. Who do I trust? The medical professionals who diagnosed me or some kid on the internet who “did his own research”


H_Q_ t1_j2fldfb wrote

As a medical professional, I can confidently say that most people on the internet claiming "my OCD this, my OCD that" are actually self-diagnosed or try to demonstrate above average tidiness. You are a rarity.


thequeenmeggy t1_j2cdml3 wrote

Or just take the sheets right from the dryer and put them back on the bed without touching the spare set for a year or two.


avidoger t1_j2b2ffx wrote

I use the Martha Stewart method, i kon mari'ed the heck out of my linen closet and looked magazine worthy


pacefaker t1_j2c2fwy wrote

If I recall correctly Martha actually hates fitted sheets. I remember a clip of someone coming on the show to demonstrate folding technique and I believe she admitted she doesn’t use them in her home.


vicki_chicki t1_j2cnecu wrote

Queen Martha was how I learned to fold a fitted sheet.

You don’t use the edges, you poke your hands into the dart type parts (corners), let the elastic parts fall where they will while folding the corners together.

Than you place that and the flat sheet and pillowcase inside the other pillowcase so it all stays together.


asuddenpie t1_j2czyz5 wrote

I learned this from her, too. I grab the corners and let the elastic sides fall into place. And then somehow everything gets a little wonky from there and I end up balling the rest up and shoving it into the closet.


dhtdhy t1_j2chuoa wrote

What does she use instead of fitted sheets??


brick20 t1_j2ckup7 wrote

I would assume just an oversized regular sheet with the edges tucked under the mattress.


tawzerozero t1_j2dhcm8 wrote

There are bands with clips on the ends which go between the mattress and box spring to secure flat sheets when they're used like this. This is pretty much what everyone did before elastic was available for fitted sheets.

Some high end hotels still do this because the flat sheets are more durable than the elastic, and when you're washing the sheets daily, it'll cause the elastic to wear out much, much quicker than in a home setting.


Sinchem t1_j2cj2ii wrote

This isn't an lpt


Catspaw129 t1_j2dhhto wrote

I don't care if it's a valuable LPT. Reading the comments make things worthwhile.


Blackstrider t1_j2c7lld wrote

I care. I don't fold them for anyone else, but I do fold them for me.


i_smoke_toenails t1_j2ck0m8 wrote

Exactly this. Who folds their sheets for other people? I fold them because they stack tidily, it's easier to select the right sheets when you can actually see them, and they look and feel nice and fresh when they go on the bed.

I also make our bed and keep the master bedroom tidy, even though no visitors ever see it.


zagaara t1_j2bhhye wrote

As Asian..."Somebody gonna get hurt real bad" echo in the head.


j_schiz t1_j2cb6dq wrote

r/ShittyLifeProTips is leaking again 😂


Heyjuronimo t1_j2ce153 wrote

I used to think this. Before I realized that taking maybe an extra 4mins folding my sheets flat and straight does, in fact save so much closet space. Added bonus of no chaos when you open that closet door.


joemondo t1_j2bvoji wrote

Well I care if my fitted sheets are folded.

(Bonus: It's not difficult.)


TheBlairwitchy t1_j2bd9mi wrote

Mary Kondo would like to have a word with you


liquidaper t1_j2c9yhr wrote

I care...see what I did there? I single handedly refuted your whole argument. Be careful when speaking in absolutes.


Queen-of-meme t1_j2aylec wrote

I roll mine too. Towels as well. I like it that way.


Lawdoc1 t1_j2bb0bv wrote

This is correct.

  1. They get stretched by being on the mattress, so the wrinkles go away quickly.

  2. They are under a top sheet and/or blanket, so I don't know when you would see them anyway.

I know some people feel compelled, and I used to as well, but life is too short to fold fitted sheets.

[Edit - extra word]


dedicated_glove t1_j2c9umk wrote

But... But it takes less time to fold a fitted sheet than a regular one?

A regular one you have to manually square up all the corners with each fold.

Fitted though, slam that thing in half, stick your hand in a corner (like a mitten) and stick the nearest corner over the top. Do the same on the other side, and then flip two of the corners into the other two. Ignore the bunchy bit around half of the sheet, and pretend the corner of the mitten (where all four fitted corners are now stacked on top of each other) is the"real" corner. Fold once or twice more on top of itself and you're done.

And significantly faster than folding non-fitted sheets, because you don't have to find the corners and line them up.


Lanasoverit t1_j2d007o wrote

I just timed myself out of curiosity, it takes me 15 secs.

I’m really not that busy that I can’t take 15 secs to fold a fitted sheet…


Daggerscar t1_j2bf10a wrote

Disagree. Learn new skills We have YouTube now It takes no time


MYOB3 t1_j2c97to wrote

I have a daughter whose OCD for folding clothes and linens comes in handy! LOVE IT when she straightens the linen closet! It's like looking at a wall display in BED BATH AND BEYOND! I open the closet doors, and just stand there in wonder! Then she rolls all of the towels in the bathroom like we are in some luxury spa! My daughter ROCKS!


MYOB3 t1_j2c9q5z wrote

PSST...Can you straighten the linen closet again? PLEASE?


lct6 t1_j2dgujg wrote

Can she come over to my house to help?!


Catspaw129 t1_j2dhr26 wrote

Can I borrow her?

Instead of pay I'll give her a nice review.

~ CB


diiejso t1_j2az1h0 wrote

You haven't met my father-in-law.


JetShack24 t1_j2bonb8 wrote

I just put the sheets right back on the bed after they’re washed and dried. It forces me to finish the wash & i don’t have to fold anything.


littleredridinghood6 t1_j2cpojb wrote

Folding a fitted sheet doesn't take long and it's not that hard once you know how. It also saves space and looks nicer in a closet.


sparoc3 t1_j2chyno wrote

Your mum cares mate.


WintrySummer t1_j2cwnzv wrote

LPT: If you like your fitted sheets nicely folded, more power to you.


CCriscal t1_j2bvht5 wrote

But, but what if the mother in law pops up checking the cabinet ?


kdfan2020 t1_j2bxnrb wrote

I work at a hotel and my boss cares if the fitted sheets are folded.


sir-morti t1_j2c3nkx wrote

LPT2: get more than 1 fitted sheet

i have several that i swap out each time one needs to be cleaned, so i have a system going where i just wash one, throw a new one on, wait for the other one to get clean, then just put it away and repeat when necessary


OddCartographer7960 t1_j2c6l66 wrote

For people like me who are clean freaks…a little OCD about stuff like this, your solution would make me crazy!


RapedByPlushies t1_j2cly1c wrote

How to fold fitted sheets:

  1. Put your index fingers in two of the inside corners seams on one side of the sheet.
  2. Touch your fingers together so that the corners touch.
  3. Put your fingers in other two corners.
  4. Bring your fingers holding the two new corners so that they touch the first two corners.
  5. Roll it up into a ball.
  6. Congratulations. You just folded a fitted sheet.

GotSeoul t1_j2csyyz wrote

This is probably going to be unpopular and down-voted to hell. When I was an expat my sheets were ironed and folded. I didn't ask for it like that, but I liked it.


mrspascal t1_j2cwyin wrote

I watched an episode of Oprah when I was maybe 12 and learned to fold a fitted sheet. It’s really not difficult. But if rolling it in a ball and stuffing it in a pillowcase works for you, more power to ya.


_jericho t1_j2cz1f5 wrote

True, but it's like flexing in the mirror. Nobody'll ever see, but makes me feel cool.


Hannah-may t1_j2czl9d wrote

I don’t care what anyone else does but I like folding things and seeing things organised. Letting cupboards and drawers get messy does take a toll on mental health. The small amounts of dread opening a cupboard that is full of balled up sheets or whatever isn’t worth it. I like opening cupboards and being delighted that things are easily accessible and look nice. I like to be able to recall exactly where everything is. I don’t fold and organise things because I’m afraid of judgement, I I do it because it makes my life better.


H_Q_ t1_j2d50n4 wrote

That's not a LPT but a personal opinion and has no place here.


KnowingTree t1_j2d6ka7 wrote

Well, I care about it. So you just lied to me


drawredraw t1_j2d73nk wrote

Or you could take an extra minute to fold them, save tons of space, know where they are (because they’re organized and not stuffed in a sack) and your bed won’t look like shit with wrinkled sheets. Just a thought.


griswald123 t1_j2d7yki wrote

If you just have one set a bed sheets you never need to fold. Wash and put right back on.


DryGumby t1_j2dh8x9 wrote

You'll also have to do more laundry.


xquizit_enigma t1_j2d8kt8 wrote

In the essence of space-saving tips, this one is topshelf in the linen closet dept. Might as well stuff the whole bedding set into one pillowcase for an even more simplified solution.


Ketchup1211 t1_j2dcqds wrote

Nobody cares about anything in your house to be honest. That’s not why people fold their sheets. They do it because they like to feel organized. Has nothing to do with some random ass friend coming into your house and looking in your closet. Weird LPT.


RogueMoonbow t1_j2dk7qo wrote

It's funny, I actually know how to fold a fitted sheet. But recently I decided it was important to me to keep sheets sets together and I do so by stuffing the fitted and top sheets in the pillowcase.


countrychook t1_j2dq494 wrote

reads comments who knew folding sheets was so controversial lol


keepthetips t1_j2av8c8 wrote

Hello and welcome to r/LifeProTips!

Please help us decide if this post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment.

If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide.


w1n5t0nM1k3y t1_j2b255k wrote

Nobody cares if your bed is made either


Klimbrick t1_j2c2cr4 wrote

I inspect closets during posh dinner parties and exclaim, "well wtf is this while holding your rumpled sheets."


kissmekate48 t1_j2c8qlh wrote

Tip if you use a duvet cover (or you could do it with a flat sheet): fold the nice, sharply folded duvet cover around the fitted sheet (and pillowcases). You’ve got a complete set when you change linens.


FrankaGrimes t1_j2c920r wrote

After reading "How to Keep House While Drowning" I decided that it is nuts to fuss over things like folding sheets when you're struggling with summoning the motivation to do life in general. So now every time I wash my sheets I put the clean flat sheet, fitted sheet and three pillowcases inside the fourth pillowcase. Everything is kept together. Sheets are wrinkled after the first night theyte on the bed so it doesn't bother me in the slightest to shove them in there.


ByTheOcean123 t1_j2co797 wrote

There are a lot of people in my life who be horrified by this. For myself, I save even more time by only having 1 sheet set. It goes straight from the dryer to the bed.

My MIL actually folds her sheets very neatly after they come out of the dryer. Takes her a good 20 minutes because she's so slow and it has to be done perfectly. Then she comes upstairs and puts them straight on her bed.


EducationalNose7764 t1_j2cum5y wrote

I don't even give a shit about folded sheets anymore because they keep coming undone. The last time it came undone and I was just like "fuck it I don't give a shit". I don't sleep directly on the mattress, but mine has another thin layer of fabric underneath that fits it perfectly that I will wash


2Lazy2beLazy t1_j2cuqu6 wrote

You've met people who've actually folded a fitted sheet? Wow!


oopsmyeye t1_j2cv4wc wrote

You know what’s more embarrassing than wrinkly sheets? Nasty smelly sheets.


FormerlyKA t1_j2d3wiy wrote

you failed first semester nursing school


chocolate_nutty_cone t1_j2d7jk1 wrote

No one laid on their death bed wishing their fitted sheets had been folded better.


Optimal_Hunter t1_j2dceac wrote

I honestly don't care if you fold any of your laundry just be a decent fucking human


noronto t1_j2defzu wrote

What’s with this “no one cares” nonsense?

Should anybody care is debatable, but I care God Dammit! And according to my mom I am a somebody!


JoopahTroopah t1_j2dfsuu wrote

Pfft. I bet this guy doesn’t even iron his socks


DryGumby t1_j2dhogq wrote

You not caring about something is not a lpt


the_JerrBear t1_j2dhxmt wrote

if you fold your sheets properly they will take up less storage space, and that is more than enough reason for me.


Warphild t1_j2dj8wa wrote

Tell that to my wife. She has a super specific technique to folding sheets, and then wrapped them in a bundle with the pillow cases. She gets mad at me when I can't do, but I'm not professionally trained by HGTV.


Lankience t1_j2dji3s wrote

I finally learned how to properly fold a fitted sheet, don't do this to me


Greeneggplusthing2 t1_j2dkp51 wrote

My mother made me learn how to fold them and now it is my black magic trick to impress


Cass_Q t1_j2dks58 wrote

I took the time to learn how to fold fitted sheets and I am damn well put that knowledge to use.


Sylvurphlame t1_j2dku8d wrote

You have clearly never met either my mother or my wife. I can assure you, they both care very much. I fought the good fight — and I lost.


03rk t1_j2dl9oo wrote

I care. Just fold them. It's easy once you know how.


RigorousJabber t1_j2dpvb8 wrote

Lpt: look up a video on how to fold fitted sheets. It’s not that difficult. Put all corners inside each other and lay flat. Then fold like normal. Obviously a visual medium would explain this better.


Rough_Mango8008 t1_j2dqzsn wrote

I don't fold any of my clothes anymore. Best decision I took this year.


WarMachine09 t1_j2dsfat wrote

Honestly, I just wash the sheets and put them right back on the bed when finished.


strywever t1_j2dt2l6 wrote

It simply isn’t that hard to fold them if you bother to learn how, though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


zip222 t1_j2duz8p wrote

Folded sheets take up a lot less space. Though I do like the idea of putting the full set inside of one of the pillow cases. Never occurred to me.


Zedetrix t1_j2ebsi8 wrote

I care, I care alot


Catspaw129 t1_j2frbbl wrote

Speaking about folding and ironing: I iron my cheese sandwiches.