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Grizzchops t1_j2awelu wrote

If you're looking at my sheets in my closet, you're going to have to leave


Spazmer t1_j2c4quo wrote

Wait until my children are old enough to live on their own, then their roommate discovers that we just shove our sheets into the linen closet and slam the door closed. Then it's too late, the lease has been signed and you're stuck with them!


PM_ME_FUNFAX t1_j2b3gmy wrote

Yep, I can't think of anyone close enough to me to critique my sheets that I have put away on the closet.


WolfangStudios t1_j2bg5ep wrote

Yep, I can't think of anyone close enough to me to critique my sheets that I have put away on the closet.


Catspaw129 t1_j2fr25m wrote

Geeze folks, face it: a linen closet is just a rigid stuff-sack.