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SomehowGonkReturned t1_j2b1cep wrote

As someone with OCD, I care if my fitted sheets are folded. Sometimes I can’t even function if I don’t do tasks such as cleaning (including folding my fitted sheets)


Beautiful_Path_3519 t1_j2b1ykl wrote

Stuff inside a matching pillowcase and call it a set.


patricia_iifym t1_j2ce2n3 wrote

I’m not an expert but I’m still pretty sure that’s not how OCD works, unfortunately 🫠


adgjl65 t1_j2dxu9v wrote

Can you elaborate on this comment? It sounds exactly like OCD to me.


patricia_iifym t1_j2dyfy6 wrote

I was replying to the comment saying it’s as easy as “stuffing it inside a pillowcase & calling it a day”. Yeah, it seems objectively easy, but not if you struggle with OCD.

I don’t know if I’m making sense?


ForceOfAHorse t1_j2cyv9q wrote

You don't have OCD.


SomehowGonkReturned t1_j2farp4 wrote

Wow, you make a solid argument, now I’m really torn. Who do I trust? The medical professionals who diagnosed me or some kid on the internet who “did his own research”


H_Q_ t1_j2fldfb wrote

As a medical professional, I can confidently say that most people on the internet claiming "my OCD this, my OCD that" are actually self-diagnosed or try to demonstrate above average tidiness. You are a rarity.