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[deleted] t1_j2ezkxa wrote

Long term use of diphenhydramine can cause dementia so be careful.


Wdl314 OP t1_j2f07r7 wrote

That’s exactly how I found out they were the same thing. I knew sleep aids can cause dementia so I stopped taking them and took Benadryl instead as needed and soon learned I’m a idiot. I’m hoping this knowledge helps fellow idiots.


[deleted] t1_j2f119o wrote

You’re not an idiot. In America it contains diphenhydramine but not in the uk so that maybe where the mix up came


Wdl314 OP t1_j2f1han wrote

Here in Canada it’s pretty clear on the front of the box for both so I was in fact dumb, I can take that in stride haha.


vedderer t1_j2fu3ul wrote

Can you say more about this?

I wonder because, those who take diphenhydramine probably have sleep problems. Aren't sleep problems also related to dementia?