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keepthetips t1_j29r33w wrote

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Milkslinger t1_j29txod wrote

By responding, you've already lost 1/2 of the battle by confirming it's an active number. This makes the number worth 100x it's previous value and it's much more likely to be sold off an "active numbers" list rather than a junk list.

Just don't respond. Ever.


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j29udux wrote

Someone doesn't understand fishing for working numbers.

This doesn't even come close to being a stupid life tip.


Skilledpainter t1_j2bf1m2 wrote

Sadly, there are many gullible people out there. So the obvious seems easy, but to the non gifted people ( I'm assuming that's how the smart people view them) this actually helps.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it


Low_Culture2487 t1_j2dhs8k wrote

I get this "wrong" number once a month. I now delete. I used to respond saying wrong number. But got curious why I was getting these. Played the game and it was mostly for crypto data mining. Back to deleting.