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Ok_Ostrich_5929 OP t1_j27fl1w wrote

Agreed. It's impossible to make an actual living in the industry. I know you're being sarcastic but I'm trying to help. My bank account has a negative balance but I still tip and I want people who have actual money to do the same.


pbaddict t1_j28axtb wrote

>My bank account has a negative balance but I still tip

you probably shouldn't do that


vk136 t1_j29xuwc wrote

Yeah, that just speaks to OP’s poor money management skills lmao


noonewonone t1_j27gw4d wrote

I feel bad for being sarcastic now.

If your account is negative you shouldn’t be going places that expect/require a tip. But you know this.

While it’s courageous to consistently tip and encourage others to do so…. Employers should really pay a fair wage, pushing them and lawmakers to do so is really the only way to change the system.

Sadly, in the US the system is designed to profit off the masses and keep many of us struggling.

My LPT for you is to do your best to keep being your best.


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j2an6i9 wrote

You do realize that that type of job is not intended to make an actual living off of, correct?