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Dangercakes13 t1_j2efmg2 wrote

Be overly kind and get friendly with the maintenance folk. Admin staff too, for that matter. Don't be too demanding or impatient when something breaks, show you want to be mindful of their schedule. Thank them for random things. Chat here and there like a buddy. Hell, be a buddy. No reason not to.

The leeway and deference it grants you when you have a busted fridge, a couple day delay on rent because you were busy or waiting for a check to clear, the general feeling of is totally worth the social effort.


cvaninvan t1_j2exb2m wrote

This is a great tip! The maintenance guy being your guy is great.

Same with the payroll person at work. I used my dad's tip on this one to great effect. Always had payroll folks finding errors made to my pay or adds to pay by the higher ups....for a couple cups of coffee and some conversation...


Dangercakes13 t1_j2f1kd1 wrote

Good one! I squeezed an extra couple thousand a year on my salary in a transfer to a new job because I was friendly with Payroll over the years, worked close with them, helped them when they needed it. Then asked when I got the new position and they found I technically qualified for more than the offering. Little rules and classifications that would have gone overlooked if they didn't take an extra half hour of research for a friend.