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DMoney159 t1_j1fz4lb wrote

Let all that crippling anxiety hit you like a brick at 12:01 am on Monday


7dayweekendgirl t1_j1fx3pc wrote

Unless you are in charge of hosting Christmas dinner for 8 adults and 6 kids.


Thedonitho t1_j1ge8gj wrote

My shining moment was my sister finding me alone on my stairs and drinking from the wine bottle in the middle of hosting Xmas for my parents and family for the first time.


hibernate2020 t1_j1gj60n wrote

It depends on the people. We’ve done Xmas for maybe a dozen people and yet it is still less stressful than having my emotionally abusive mother in law over alone…


[deleted] t1_j1hfeto wrote



blay12 t1_j1hrz41 wrote

Oh hush, plenty of people get mildly worried/stressed about hosting events for a bunch of people, especially if they’re making everything. Something could go wrong with a recipe (or the timing of multiple dishes if it’s their first time making this much at once), they could be worried about not having their place clean enough yet, there could be some family tension over politics or religion or whatever, or it could just be mild anxiety over how much stuff there is to do…plenty of things to worry about.

And yeah, this absolutely comes off as a brag, congrats on all your experience hosting.


Boemerangman2 OP t1_j1gdkxe wrote

True - but the those worries will result in wonderful memories! Enjoy your Christmas!!


iciclesnbdayclothes t1_j1gzy8y wrote

I gotta admit, this sounds to me like "have you thought of NOT being anxious, silly?" So many folks are seriously taxed this time of year - financially + interpersonally + mentally. There are innumerable reasons people struggle during the holidays and turn it off!! implies it's a matter of willpower.


Boemerangman2 OP t1_j1i6jp6 wrote

I absolutely see where you are coming from, it really is a fair argument. And of course there are plenty of worries you can’t simply turn off, however, some worries you can. If you’re up for it, read: Man’s search for meaning by Victor Frankl. It’s about a psychiatrist that was captured and brought into a concentration camp in WW2. There he used his time to observe the human will for meaning during the worse of times. One of the top psychology books ever written! Not my opinion. Its ranked #1 in that category.


nbelle78 t1_j1khseo wrote

“Some worries you can”

You’re only speaking for yourself homie, the majority of people can’t just stop worrying at will


RockyCasino t1_j1g83dy wrote

I can't masturbate that long. I got shit to do.


Boemerangman2 OP t1_j1gd7fc wrote

With a few breaks in between, yes you can Rocky! You can do it!


hobosbindle t1_j1g06i1 wrote

Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.


Boemerangman2 OP t1_j1gd0wa wrote

Take one! At least for the next 48 hours. Not many problems can be fixed over Christmas anyway! Might as well give yourself a little break right now.


BullyTheShifty t1_j1hu8my wrote

Oh is that all we have to do? Not worry about things? Gee thanks that'll fucking fix everything.

Get to fuck


Niktzv t1_j1fzi8q wrote

I try but there's talk of downsizing and the head of my division keeps sending group DMs saying stuff like "I don't know what next year will bring, but I want to thank each and every one of you for your service this year"


Boemerangman2 OP t1_j1gcqyk wrote

That’s exactly the stuff to take a break from. You can’t fix it during Christmas, might as well give yourself a break of worrying about it. Declare yourself free for the next 48 hours (ish)


an_altar_of_plagues t1_j1jm45g wrote

Holy shit you’re right it’s so easy - you can just NOT worry!

This is awful advice that stems from the right place but is ultimately ignorant and pretty ivory-tower.


Shawnigmatic t1_j1gvej6 wrote

I work an eight hour shift in retail.


OppositeOfKaren t1_j1g119d wrote

I shall have to as I was diagnosed with Covid today. 😔


Boemerangman2 OP t1_j1gcvw0 wrote

I know the feeling! Hope it’s an easy one! Take good care of yourself!


Mastrovator t1_j1gkrek wrote

What about when the most stressful day of the year is Christmas?


Boemerangman2 OP t1_j1go97k wrote

In that case, worry non-stop until midnight of Christmas and not worry from then until December 1st!


Majoishere t1_j1lgqjc wrote

Yeah i forgot humans have a built-in anxiety regulation system using which they can increase or decrease anxiety instantly at will.


Spahii t1_j1gq9gw wrote

I'm on call over Christmas. I just had a callout from 03:00-05:00. I don't think I can ignore it tbh 😆


Spahii t1_j1h1p4q wrote

Then again from 05:30-07:30 Paaaaaaaain


chammy82 t1_j1jxykk wrote

I'm on call for Christmas too, but I expect 0 calls. Which is a bummer cos I could use the money


Spahii t1_j1l1rdy wrote

The money is good, but I've got a one year old; sleep is better right now 😂


fuckknucklesandwich t1_j1hfrc8 wrote

I'm lying in hospital awaiting a kidney biopsy scheduled for Tuesday to find out why my kidneys are failing, but sure I'll just give myself a break, thanks.


nbelle78 t1_j1ki1cw wrote

“Easy fix, just stop thinking about how you’re in the hospital until after Christmas. Pretend you’re at home with family celebrating like normal” - OP, probably


r_special_ t1_j1hyidh wrote

While you’re at give yourself a break from all of your medical problems as well



adgjl65 t1_j1glbkh wrote

A lot of my worries will be over Christmas night. I’ll be able to take a break from worrying then.


Boemerangman2 OP t1_j1gocqu wrote

That’s a fair proposition! Take off the other 364 days!


aguafreska t1_j1hczbq wrote

can't do. must come up with $900 + for rent / gas / detergent etc. due on January 1st so can't take days off ... did the math already, plus tons of homework is due December 26th ...

I've never had a holiday... literally. been working ever since I can remember ... hopefully some day I'll experience a " complete break " ... but it's too much to hope for ..


viodox0259 t1_j1hmf30 wrote

I just woke up, to my 5 year old, who just opened all his gifts. It's 7:30 AM now, caught him at 6AM, and he must of been at it since 5 AM.

My blood, is boiling so hard.


disastermaster255 t1_j1j6c73 wrote

And you know he’s gonna be pissed tomorrow when he doesn’t have any presents to open on Christmas. It’s frustrating now, but see it as an opportunity to have a funny memory in several years. You can rag on him when he’s 16 saying what a dumbass he was.


viodox0259 t1_j1j8x5x wrote

Well, my wife and I stopped Christmas 3 years ago. We dont buy anything for us or family, only our son. Last year we sponsored a family in need, and this year we donated to the CHEO childrens hospital, but I totally get your point.

He did not get his "santas gifts" yet so theirs that. But yeah


mina11104 t1_j1hr7bg wrote

Wooow thanks. Why have I never thought of that. My mind is so fucking blown rn


bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j1gwb7a wrote



jvcgunner t1_j1i7bey wrote

I have no grasp of anything at the moment. Looking after my newborn 2 weeks in


keepthetips t1_j1fvd46 wrote

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uberjach t1_j1hrlql wrote

I'm waiting untill next christmas, now untill Dec 24th 2023 i am not giving a fuck


juicymk t1_j1kcm8i wrote

Thank you human. I just got done crying to my mother about these dark marks that just appeared on my leg . I am concerned they are signaling something significant with my health. I will try to give myself a break to enjoy my time with my family. Thank you for reminding me to.


NorphmA t1_j1hfkzc wrote

People still worry? Don't you know that things don't happen the way you want them to?!
