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manmyth t1_j22q5ad wrote

All these are great suggestions at managing time. I’ll talk more about the stress aspect. I used to have many sleepless nights.

  1. When you leave work, try to turn the switch off. If you need to check email at night. Do it the same time each night.

  2. Try to get in a workout right after work. Yoga or a punching bag in my garage worked the best for me. Running, body weight exercises, and just long walks work wonders when you’re tight for time. I didn’t get group classes until I tried them and they’re great for the social and physical aspects.

  3. Look up some meditation techniques and how to let intrusive thoughts “pass-through.” This is key for when you’re laying in bed restless. Just remember at this point of the day, there’s nothing more you can do.

  4. Avoid drinking/weed during the week or Sunday. You think it helps you calm down but it doesn’t. You’ll be much more energized and clear headed from a good night sleep.

  5. Overall, don’t be so hard on yourself. It sounds like you’re in the early stages of your career. Keep that learning spirit that brought you here and you’ll be cruising along crushing it.