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egasz t1_j1hcpqu wrote

That's why we have TL:DR you can read the general idea (or summary) and if you want to read the details you can go back.

TL:DR - we have TL:DR


ladyangua t1_j1hq6dj wrote

I saw a TL:DR on a one sentance comment that was longer than what it was summarising. SMH


NotUrMaMa99 t1_j1i66aq wrote

And put it at the top! Not the bottom. I hate scrolling through a mountain of text just to see if the story is worth reading


Bluewolf83 t1_j1i74ww wrote

The TL;DR should act similar to the abstract of a research paper


Neuropharmacologne t1_j1jemty wrote

Literally takes a few seconds to scroll. Perhaps you could benefit from more adversity in your life?


Substantial_Horse61 t1_j1hpno8 wrote

What even is TL:DR

I see it all the time and I have no idea what it means


eggmaniac13 t1_j1hptvx wrote

Too long, didn’t read


Substantial_Horse61 t1_j1hpwb9 wrote

TL:DR- idk what it means


axkee141 t1_j1i82ag wrote

That's what it stands for, "[T]oo [L]ong; [D]idn't [R]ead" TL;DR


Substantial_Horse61 t1_j1i8ifa wrote

Oh my im dumb thanks guys


MellySantiago t1_j1kgtg1 wrote

Slightly different angle here, I am reading a book on speed reading and one of the key points they unknowingly made was to find a tldr of anything you want to read quickly first. Having the context of how something ends let’s you more effectively focus on what’s important in getting there and what isn’t, so having that tldr can make it easier for people to read through a wall of text and find the pieces relevant to them.

It also said to read the spaces between words rather than the words themselves and your brain will just “process” the words very quickly, for anyone who is interested.


EatAppleMoose t1_j1kexr9 wrote

I never just read the tldr, because the only way I find out there is one is when I read all the way to the end …