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chridoff t1_j1hfn6n wrote

While conciceness is good, so is detail, and if its a long post about a subject matter im interested in im personally more than willing to read all of it, and then re read to make sure ive properly understood it. People can also summarise at the end, which is useful to those who dont want to read.


jupiterLILY t1_j1icbye wrote

I think nuance is also really important and something our society seems to be losing.

Everyone wants everything black or white in 140 characters or less.

Some ideas are just bigger than that.


MickJof OP t1_j1hq5xk wrote

Yes, detail is good as well and some posts DO require detail. But even when going into detail I would caution to not use more words than strictly necessary.
Ultimately that might still mean a longer post sometimes, and that's okay.


ArchdukeOfNorge t1_j1hru66 wrote

It’s a good tip for writing in general. Partially because of how school work for writing is organized, and how it encourages higher word counts, we all mostly learned to write with fluff, and not how to be appropriately concise. There is such a thing as too concise though, I don’t want to read the equivalent of formalized radio-talk.


Mouzly t1_j1hzdu4 wrote

I took a Business Writing class in college, and it was SO HELPFUL to un-train all of the "minimum word count" habits built up in every other class.