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Jazzlike-Yard5612 t1_j2a63wg wrote

Phew! I like my salads cold!

But why would you take out your frustrations with past customers on future ones? That makes absolutely no sense.


halpmeplz94 t1_j2amtne wrote

Why would someone make predictive behavioural choices based on past experiences? It's a natural, human thing to do.


Jazzlike-Yard5612 t1_j2anfsk wrote

It's not natural to take out your frustrations on innocent folks. It's the equivalent of being cruel to a child just because you hate their parents. Grow up.


halpmeplz94 t1_j2ao8pj wrote

No one ordering grocery delivery is a small child or infant. That is called a straw man analogy. And it is completely natural to divert frustrations to others, whether it is helpful or not is certainly situational.

Thank you for attacking my character at the first sign of disagreement, it allows me to flex my grown up skill of walking away. Good bye!


Jazzlike-Yard5612 t1_j2aoen8 wrote

You are insane and morally bankrupt. Goodbye.


wraith1221 t1_j2bz0o9 wrote

You’re fun at parties aren’t you lmao


drumsripdrummer t1_j2cist5 wrote

At least they aren't pissing in the punch bowl because the last party they went to sucked.


NeedlesslySwanky t1_j2bfw0f wrote

Do you just drive through every red light because driving through the intersection is what all the other cars were just doing?


halpmeplz94 t1_j2c2l0l wrote

Do people follow others lead without knowing what lies ahead of them? All the time. Sometimes it's helpful, sometimes harmful. Still human and natural.


jabberwockgee t1_j2d6m7s wrote

You think that's a good idea?

You'll only not fuck up people's orders if they pretip?

Good, then you'll get rid of non-tippers and people who tip in cash after verifying their food wasn't fucking destroyed.

But what about the other side of the coin? Drivers who are terrible and fuck up food regardless of the tip.

So the perfect situation in your eyes is everyone should tip, and tip well, before knowing if their food will arrive intact and x% of deliveries will be mangled and the drivers will be rewarded for it.

I wonder what equilibrium this will lead to in terms of percentage of food delivered in good condition when word gets out that you don't have to even do the bare minimum to get awesome pay.


tragiktimes t1_j2e09ku wrote

past experiences are not indicative of future results