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AwesomeGrapefruit t1_j29w65p wrote

It doesn't always work. Some guys just end up with dozens of women as friends and that's as far as it goes.

I mean, it's not a bad thing. So many guys don't care to have women as friends. You can make some amazing friends who genuinely love and care about you, who you can talk to about pretty much anything. It's something a lot of guys are missing out on if they only talk to women to get laid or be in a relationship.

But it still kinda sucks. Humans need intimacy in some form or another, not just friends. You could have a million friends that you talk to each and every day, and still feel so depressingly lonely.

Just another LPT to go along with this one: some women can be super affectionate and display a lot of those signs of attraction... and still not really be attracted to you. They can keep eye contact, always find an excuse to get close to or touch you, be super bubbly, call you first thing in the morning to tell you about dreams they had, and not mean any of it in a romantic sense. Or at least not seriously. Sometimes I think women like to have guy friends they can do those things with just cause. I'm sure some guys are guilty of it too.