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MND420 t1_j13izli wrote

People deserve a conversation, answers and an explanation when they’re being dumped. Closure can help both parties move on.

Make sure to align on the intention of the conversation beforehand though. The intention should indeed be closure and to have any open questions answered. There is nothing wrong with having that dialogue with an ex-partner.

Be sure though that the conversation remains objective and constructive. You are always able to set a boundary or end the conversation as soon as you notice it shifts from constructive closure towards blaming, guilt tripping or trying to win you back.

If an ex-partner already has the habit of doing the latter then sure, you can deny them the conversation as a way of protecting your own mental health. Though don’t deny through stonewalling and/or ghosting, but respectfully let the other person know you do not feel comfortable engaging in further conversation with them and explain to them why.

It’s really dependent on the situation I’d say.