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7dayweekendgirl t1_j1vr4nk wrote

Look for a dental school in your area. They may do the work free.


BANDlCOOT t1_j1vr6v2 wrote

You should be brushing twice a day, no excuses.


Jason3671 t1_j1xx49a wrote

twice at least. Ideally floss and brush after meals (not right after)


speedmankelly t1_j1y09kp wrote

Flossing can be done right after, it doesn’t spread the acids around the mouth like brushing immediately after does. It’s just scraping the insides of debris and plaque.


Vortamock t1_j1w2jeu wrote

There is no substitute for good dental hygiene. Brush after meals, use mouthwash, floss, and white stripes really do work.


StuzaTheGreat t1_j1wa502 wrote

Brushing after meals almost always NOT recommended as the enamel is softened by acids in food and drink.

Google search shows this


heidismiles t1_j1wfbuu wrote

"after" can still mean waiting a while and then brush.


StuzaTheGreat t1_j1wfrmp wrote

Sure, technically you are right but don't tell me that's what was implied.

Im sure you, like me, have seen people at work brushing their teeth straight after eating lunch and THIS practice is bad (applies to breakfast, dinner etc.)


Vortamock t1_j1whkho wrote

Yeah, I don't eat directly after eating. Not because I knew the information you shared or anything, so thanks for the info.

It's because I don't like the feel of brushing out whatever little bits of food may have been in my teeth. It feels like a waste. I like to wait a little until most of the little bits either absorb or work their way out. Usually a few hours. For example, today I ate lunch at 1 and brushed at about 3.


DaedricBoss t1_j1xuzj5 wrote

Yeah, eating after eating almost defeats the purpose but it's usually sooo worth it.


StuzaTheGreat t1_j1whrzk wrote

Then you need to be clearer in your First post and buy wooden tooth picks


Vortamock t1_j1wna9m wrote

No, my post was as clear as it needed to be. If they want expert advice they should go ask a dentist. I'm just a guy with nice teeth. No toothpick needed, I use a water flosser. =)


speedmankelly t1_j1xzuvc wrote

If anything brush before every meal, that way there’s enough time for the acids to break down so you don’t spread them around your mouth. Before breakfast, then before lunch to clean from breakfast, and then before dinner to clean from lunch. Leaves plenty of time in between. That and you start each meal with clean teeth. Just brush before bed alongside it and that’s probably the optimal way to brush.


StuzaTheGreat t1_j1wdvix wrote

I'm struggling to find how you don't have 2 minutes each day (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening).

Also, if you can't find 2 minutes out of 1440 total, what miracle cure do you think exists that uses LESS time than that?


karebear66 t1_j1vx2e1 wrote

The best dental insurance you can have, is flossing once a day and brushing twice a day. If you brush once a day with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, it will help with the yellowing. Continue to brush a second time with toothpaste.


Surfguitar t1_j1xua8a wrote

Hydrogen peroxide messes up the ph in your mouth. My dentist recommended against it.


Vancouvermarina t1_j1vzrpy wrote

Brush twice a day with no exceptions. Easy routine: you go to use bathroom first thing in the morning - brush teeth and only turn leave bathroom. Same in the evening. If no time - get electric toothbrush. Better 30 seconds with electric toothbrush than not at all. Use whitening toothpaste.

Don’t use mouthwash. Many make teeth yellow. It actually hidden in small print on the bottle. Or look up which are ok.

I use SmileDirectClub Teeth Whitening Gel Kit with LED Light which I bought on Amazon. You use it twice daily for a week and then same every 6 months. One package lasts me for a year. That is about $50. It works.

For the other issues - you will need a dentist.


gemfountain t1_j1vv4mc wrote

Colgate total whitening toothpaste used twice a day with the mouth rinse works very well. After you use the rinse you should Floss to get the ingredients around and between the teeth.


TheDrMonocle t1_j1w1mey wrote

If you happen to live near the mexico border dental care over there is extremely cheap. $20 cleanings, crowns half the price of US at the same quality or better. Naturally, research the office, but there are a lot of good ones. If you needed major work flying down and getting it done is often still cheaper than staying in the US.

I personally dont have any recommendations for whitening, but it might be worthwhile to get a cleaning and an exam. As expensive as it may be, waiting is far more expensive. I learned that the hard way.


leftyontheleft t1_j1wm49j wrote

Brush and floss daily. Nothing else will matter if you don't do that.


No-Temperature-8772 t1_j1w3eq8 wrote

Continue to brush your teeth, but I used some whitening strips called Gleam and people have commented on how white my teeth are. I used them like 3 or 4 times. Admittedly they are annoying to put on but I have not experienced any damage and the process is painless.


Traditional_Aioli837 t1_j1wonq9 wrote

Walmart and most drug stores have a whitening gel kit that’s under $10 called PlusWhite 5 Minute Gel and I swear by it. I’ve used white strips and this stuff worked way better and faster in my experience.

Sharp canines are cool imo. I have “fangs” too and I think they look hot on me lol

Most important thing is brushing twice a day, flossing, and scraping your tongue. Bad breath and junk in between your teeth is way worse than yellowing or crooked teeth.


avp2526 t1_j1wqn1o wrote

You need to get on a 6 month hygiene schedule. Go see your dental hygienist every 6 months. Brush twice a day and floss once a day. Electric tooth brush is worth every penny. Dentist could round off your teeth if you asked them too. The dentist I worked for never charged to do that, but he was also retiring age and just didn’t care about the money. He was ready to hang his coat and go spend his days with his family. Dental offices have teeth whitening gels as well.


Almighty_Bidoof424 t1_j1vujpc wrote

hydrogen peroxide is a cheap tooth whitener. The lower the concentration the longer it may take to see results though.


MathematicianSad4630 t1_j1wdhps wrote

Depends where your from in the uk its made in a way where it won't whiten teeth same with everything called teeth whitner isint real in the uk we can't go above a limit


BoxMunchr t1_j1x1aiq wrote

Brush twice per day. Wet your brush, then dip it in baking soda, then put on the toothpaste. That will help whiten your teeth a noticeable amount.


Turbulent-Flamingo84 t1_j1xkh19 wrote

Visit a few dentists and get a few ideas and quotes. It will be a good investment.


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keepthetips t1_j1vqpxh wrote

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4realfix t1_j1x8qd9 wrote

Oh, someone in the dental education system advocating for dental treatments? . How " unexpected ", 🙄 Trust me , I'm 46 , baking soda , twice weekly is fine, used with peroxide, the lower percent one . Keeps my teeth white and healthy . Both natural safe ingredients. Look at a toothpaste label, not so healthy stuff in there .


speedmankelly t1_j1y0kvm wrote

I hope you aren’t thinking people ingest toothpaste. What do you think it is, a nutrition label? Get off your high horse


4realfix t1_j1vr3it wrote

Brush with baking soda .


BigFatChungus1 OP t1_j1vs7wg wrote

Wouldnt that damage my teeth a lot ? I read that it may give terrible tooth pain later on.


clichecuddlefish t1_j1x76f5 wrote

Yes it will end up damaging your enamel, baking soda is too abrasive. Use a whitening toothpaste like sensodyne or crest 2x daily, and floss! Find a dental hygiene school in your area for cheap cleanings and exams. Yellow stains can be from foods like tea, coffee, and cigarettes too so cut back on those if you use them. Source: I’m in dental hygiene school