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Scuka1 t1_j2e6321 wrote

Lol, unless you're an 80 year old grandma with arthritis, you're not going to buy a useful amount of weights with 30$.

I wholly agree that buying your own set of weights pays off relatively quickly compared constantly paying gym membership, but first you need to have space to put them in your house and you actually need to have the discipline to use them (otherwise it's a wasted investment).


Agitated-Cow4 t1_j2d37bq wrote

Great, these two 5lb dumbbells are a great workout. No need to increase the weight ever.


sir-lancelot_ t1_j2f0cbq wrote

$30 worth of dumbbells is literally nothing.

Just save your money and go for a 30 minute walk everyday if you're not getting enough exercise


ABena2t t1_j2d35dj wrote

the thing about the gym is - it keeps you motivated. and it forces you to work out. yes it's a hassle going there bur once you're there - you're there to work out. if you're at home it's easy to push it off or get distracted. Not to mention - you have a much wider variety of excersises you can do at the gym. plus you're taught technique. and many people enjoy the social aspect of it. since cobid shutdown many people have been locked inside their homes and don't get out enough. getting a few weights might work for some but I think for most people they just sit in the garage and never get used.


Wise_Control t1_j2d59yx wrote

Gym definitely has its perks - the structured environment, variety of equipment, and social aspect can all be motivating factors. But at the same time, it's important to remember that the gym isn't the only way to stay fit and healthy. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, it's possible to get a great workout at home, or even just by going outside and taking a walk or run. The key is finding activities that you enjoy and that fit your lifestyle, and being consistent in incorporating them into your routine. Happy sweating!


raydefan t1_j2f6kr6 wrote

Or, get gym membership and have access to more than a pair of 10 pound dumbbells


josh35767 t1_j2dpiuu wrote

Owning dumbbells certainly don’t keep you in habit. It’s just as easy to tuck them away somewhere and forget about them as it is to not go to the gym.


AKBonesaw t1_j2f0u45 wrote

Something easy that requires no exercise equipment whatsoever. Actively engage your muscles when doing anything. Grabbing a glass; flex your lats and triceps. Picking something off the floor, flex your legs and abs. Driving; flex your quads, grip your steering wheel using your forearms. Seems simple but it actually works.


LrnFaroeseWthBergur t1_j2dqj58 wrote

Thanks for reminding me of my 14kg dumbbell which I bought 6 years ago. Pro tip: I still have spaghetti arms.


7loUge t1_j2emj60 wrote

I don't seem to be building muscle doing squats and deadlifts with these little pink dumbbells?!


keepthetips t1_j2d2m7t wrote

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VirusRelative t1_j2fdwcw wrote

Those Free apps for workouts without equipment are Great, Just get a good mat


Significant-Custard1 t1_j2d4khc wrote

They're good as an addition to the gym but they're not a replacement... The act of going to the gym is motivating in itself. Exercising at home isn't.

Gyms also have so much equipment and every sized dumbbell you'd need. The ones you have at home probably need to be taken apart each time you change weight. Can't be bothered with that!


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j2d53rv wrote

It's new year, gym should not be capitalized and you forgot a period

Otherwise, how does this keep you in habit?

Overall this is a poorly worded post that doesn't even qualify as an amateur tip.


Significant-Custard1 t1_j2d5quh wrote

Titles don't need full stops (that's periods to you) but posts do, and your first sentence is missing one.

Those in glass houses.


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j2d5w54 wrote

>Titles don't need full stops

Sure they do.

And, a title is a post.

Stone back at you.


Significant-Custard1 t1_j2d5zb6 wrote

So why doesn't your first sentence have a full stop when your last one does?

And no, titles don't always need full stops to close them.

Stop overusing italics as well.


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j2d6bvm wrote

Perhaps you didn't read rule one in the sidebar.


Significant-Custard1 t1_j2d6hml wrote

Neither did you obviously? Your first post before anyone even replied to you was rude and condescending. Get a grip.