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SuperSentient t1_j1a5r6v wrote

First off, agreed, but damn, OP what side of the coin are you on here? Genuinely curious.

Feels like maybe u got burnt once, then that carried over to paranoia. Which honestly is totally understandable.

Or burnt once then, so u understand the paranoia, but flipped next where u got blamed for something that never happened.

Either way it's a weird game but I get it. Been on both sides.


Chocolatethrowaway19 t1_j1a9dhx wrote

Not all wisdom is from personal experience. OP might have just observed this in others and reflected on it.


SuperSentient t1_j1ac7u0 wrote

Lol this is actually fair, thanks.

However, I would say though that OP says either way it means the relationship prob should end. If it's an observed view, you really can't make that call unless u know the intricacies of the relationship in question. I've been in a relationship like this that went to shit, and a relationship that was like this for a period and then we got through it and was basically fine. Seen plenty of other friends make it as well, ofcourse to varying degrees, but it's not an uncommon speed bump for a long-term relationship.

Edit: Just re-read my reply and think my argument is flawed lol. Originally I thought OP speaking from experience (while claim is that relationship should end) then argued that if speaking from observation, then wrong to think relationship should end (cause they don't understand relationship). These don't line up haha. I think regardless of if OP got burnt or if observation, every relationship is so insanely different that you just can't blanket say u should end it. Ok I sleep now.