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blizzardspider t1_j1a80qv wrote

This sounds like a hot take your uncle made up to make his cheating seem ok "I only started cheating after she accused me of it!". Even if it's true it still doesn't excuse cheating instead of just breaking up.


Sofarbeyondfucked t1_j1a9764 wrote

Yeah, I dunno. She was a bitch on wheels and he should have simply left her. But “family values.”


Cynical_Manatee t1_j1aa52w wrote

I was gonna say. Marriage in certain circles and cultures are view as more permanent than they really are. Divorce is not as easy as handing in a piece of paper to some people.


Grammophon t1_j1aaupq wrote

Someone who honestly cares for family values doesn't cheat on their partner because they are jealous. You really have to put down those rose tinted glasses.


Sofarbeyondfucked t1_j1aoq9j wrote

Yeah, no shit. Hence the quotes. Thanks for telling me what I know about my life.