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SuperSentient t1_j1asy9f wrote

Um.. splashing your face yea? Lol. Ending a shower w 30 secs to a min or two of cold water also amazing


GardenRave0416 t1_j1az3vh wrote

I'd like to note that I'm prone to panic attacks. Most inconvenient part about them is you have to deal with them as they happen or they eat you alive, and it's almost impossible to know when your next attack is. With that in mind, these methods are designed to be mixed and matched to suit any situation. So although taking the last few minutes to turn the water cold does the same thing as splashing your face, you're not going to always have access to a shower, nor are you going to always have the time to take a shower of any length.


Columbus43219 t1_j1blpxj wrote

I remember my last one.... ugh.


GardenRave0416 t1_j1bmjae wrote

I feel that in my soul. Why do those attacks need to be so obnoxious....


Columbus43219 t1_j1bvlre wrote

I am on effexor now... the sparks still happen, but the flame doesn't light.