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keepthetips t1_j2498j1 wrote

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super-me-5000 t1_j249xpl wrote

And make sure your potassium level is 👍 (bananas,avocados, oranges etc.)


BestSerialKillerNA t1_j24bppa wrote

I read "get lucky" as winning something such as the lottery not having sex.

I'd also suggest electrolytes and stretching before hand.


lets_bang_blue t1_j24fuff wrote

Look, I may not be that physically fit, but I can handle 12 seconds of exercise without cramping up.


DroolingSlothCarpet t1_j24gsed wrote

Northern hemisphere is in winter and yet the drink water posts continue.


exwasstalking t1_j24iret wrote

So many things kill the mood quicker than a leg cramp.


sassydodo t1_j24j3zi wrote

Ah I see Big Water now pushes its agenda with sexual health threats


Informal_Ad3771 t1_j24msqo wrote

Also eat pineapple to improve the taste of your cum, if you're a sperm producer.


Obwyn t1_j26273f wrote

I think OP is a fan of the golden shower.


MutedBrilliant1593 t1_j26bycz wrote

I drink tons of water on the regular. You can get cramps from fn? I thought cramps were from using muscles you don't use often. 😂


Theolon t1_j26fjr5 wrote

Oh God, the memory. Singular. So embarrassing.


Dreamymetr t1_j26wdtc wrote

Water, fruit, good hygiene and your set


121853marty t1_j2b63ac wrote

Getting up to pee too often will dry her up faster than sirocco