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lilbitdead t1_j226q8q wrote

My brothers friend just went to California. I told him something similar about money and encouraged him not to worry to much about saving it when he got there. He had like 3500. I worked my ass off for a couple years to save 7k now I save like 4500 a month without effecting my day to day spending at all. I’m telling my brother to focus on school right now and not to worry to much about making money. When you get educated/skilled the money will flow and you’ll be annoyed that you wasted so much time focused on saving. Though I will say this, if you have the mentality to spend everything you have you will continue to do that even when you make more money. Save your money and spend it on experiences and training when you’re young. Don’t waste it on dumb shit like $100 jeans or $60 hoodies. Spend it on things that are important to you like traveling, paying down debt and investing.