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HRslammR t1_j1waa9d wrote

Oddly I've run in to a lot more cooler people in DMZ than normal multi. Maybe bc they'd rather take a friendly than take a chance to lose their loot.


WhalesLoveSmashBros t1_j1wfm7z wrote

What’s the dmz? Is it a more hardcore/tarkov like war zone?


HRslammR t1_j1wgtjv wrote

Sort of. If you die you lose whatever bad ass weapon you had and start over. Mission based or if you just want to wreck some teams day. I like it a lot since it is actually quasi more realistic. Except the bots are STRONG AF


WhalesLoveSmashBros t1_j1whlwc wrote

Is it still br or extracfion/mission type stuff?


HRslammR t1_j1whqwj wrote

Extraction mission mostly. But if you run out the timer it becomes BR


WhalesLoveSmashBros t1_j1wi306 wrote

I might have to give it a try. I downloaded war zone on release and played it for like 3 hours but my pc at the time couldn’t really run it.


General_Brainstorm t1_j1wfm5l wrote

This is my experience as well. It doesn't hurt that once you have a full squad of 6 in DMZ you can pretty much control whatever you want.