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BrainGiggles t1_j1i7fdt wrote

I have a huge family and not everyone in my family (adults) could afford to get gifts for everyone. If we were to place gifts in front of the giver - I think this would totally single out a few people and make them feel bad for not having gifts to hand out to everyone. Just overall not a good idea for my family.


[deleted] t1_j1in1bo wrote



BrainGiggles t1_j1ipwbs wrote

I agree, it’s not about the price of the gift. But it also has to do with how the receiver behaves when they get such a gift. For example, if someone spends hours making a bracelet and the receiver gets it and acts like they like it but when they leave they don’t even bother to take the bracelet with them when they go home…after a while people just stop giving. Or at least stop making stuff for that person.