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jiminy_cricks t1_j63xhwq wrote

I know plenty of bullies who would quickly throw a punch if you stood up to them. They've gotta protect that tough guy reputation, and they will.


Lost-Assignment-8998 t1_j69v8tk wrote

I've noticed if the person who stands up to them is a little bigger they play it off and avoid that person But almost allways rush to the ez victim to pick on. Most bullied are actually sissies on the inside, proven fact. But when I worked at State Prison I see some bullies who were not sissies and can beat three who are also as big but not as bad . But everyone knows most bullies secretly wear pink panties.


[deleted] OP t1_j63yara wrote



KivogtaR t1_j641qyl wrote

Take your shirt off and scream "NO! Im not a goddamn furry and I don't want to join your Sonic fan club!" What are they gonna do? If they hit you it'll look like they were pissed you didn't join. If they try to tell people about this it'll seem like they were asking you to join.

Be legitimately unhinged and they'll leave you alone. I've avoided bar fights by saying "If you hit me I'll cry and tell mom." They look so confused and then walk away.


mitchade t1_j645ozg wrote

I know a dude who avoided a mugging by singing a song to the would-be mugger. Got confused, looked for hidden cameras, and the dude ran away when the mugger’s head was turned.


depurplecow t1_j6468r4 wrote

While this works to a degree, this sacrifices your own reputation more than it impacts the bully(ies). You're basically choosing a solo school life until the end of high school. Speaking from experience


robots_in_riot_gear t1_j64aoin wrote

School? Wtf


depurplecow t1_j64bdp0 wrote

People don't really call these kinds of people "bullies" outside of school, they're just called assholes.


robots_in_riot_gear t1_j64bhqx wrote

So people get mugged at school?


Xenoxia t1_j64c9vj wrote

Yeah, that happens.


robots_in_riot_gear t1_j64ds17 wrote

Yikes, mugged at gunpoint in school?


Xenoxia t1_j64kxsl wrote

Yes... You know, some schools in the US require you to be searched and go through detectors and such on the way in.


wild_wet_daddy t1_j681zo9 wrote

Nah, most people on the Internet are not from America but more civilised countries


jiminy_cricks t1_j63zqz7 wrote

Depends on the bully and situation but usually just ignoring them and walking away. Most of the time if you don't acknowledge them they get mad but don't get the satisfaction they are looking for.


Voluptuous-Granny t1_j6406kj wrote

That will then cause them to escalate. The only way to stop bullies is to humiliate them. If your bully is a guy, always go for the balls no matter what. Life ain't fair so you fight dirty and always go for the cheap shots. ALWAYS


jiminy_cricks t1_j641umu wrote

Granted this was in highschool where bullying is generally different than with adults but there was a bully who loved to throw food at our lunch table because he thought it was funny. Telling him to stop did nothing so we just ignored him, it didn't stop but it didn't get worse, just a few French fries or the occasional chicken nugget. Well one day my friend had enough, threw something back, told the bully to fuck off and quit acting like a child. The bully then proceeded to beat the shit out of him before getting pulled away.

Sure my friend could've just come out swinging and then got expelled with no repercussions to the bully otherwise. Maybe my friend could've really come at him hard and really put the fear into him, but if you put someone in the hospital you're getting charged and ruining your life for nothing. Maybe my friend strikes first and settles it for the day but with this billy you can bet he would've just jumped my friend in the parking lot later. The only way to avoid a fight was to just ignore him.


Weisenkrone t1_j649a4f wrote

When you're so scared of a bully that you think "settling it for a day" just means you're gonna get jumped in the parking lot ... You lost that fight before it even started.

Have some courage man.

Even a mouse will jump at a cat if they are pushed into a corner.

It's better to walk home with a broken nose but being able to look at yourself in the mirror without hating yourself, then looking each day into the mirror and just hate yourself and your life.


shawnwasim t1_j641n4t wrote

Learn how to fight. Find a buddy whos interested in training. Learn kickboxing and jujitsu by watching techniques on youtube and then practicing with your buddy. A small amount of training can make you much better than someone with no experience.


Spiritual-Bison-2545 t1_j64asqq wrote

There isn't a straight up solution. It's case by case.

Like sure, my high school bullies stopped after my brother found out their names and made sure they suffered consequences until they got the message (massively appreciate his intervention)

But I've seen other bullies be stood up to and it escalated massively from going back for more rounds, coming back with friends, there's been kids knifed on their way home from school.

It isnt ideal but yeah if your bully is the type you describe in your post, go for it, stand up and make them back down. But not every bully is like that . Some might want you to fight back, some might really mess you up


Othersideofbroad t1_j64e2fq wrote

Punch back. As someone who grew up as a small kid with ADHD, I learned that lesson pretty quickly. Bullies like easy targets. If you show them that messing with you comes at a cost, they'll move on to someone else. Do it as many times as it takes, although it usually ends after the first time. The alternative is not standing up for yourself and allowing them to torment you forever.


Radthereptile t1_j649a82 wrote

Since you’re saying a bully I’ll assume school either middle or high school. You tell a teacher. That’s the solution. Schools have a 0 tolerance policy for that. And if by some odd means that teacher doesn’t care tell a different one, heck go to the principal if nobody listens. I promise you teachers will address this and stop it if you let them know.


Askmyrkr t1_j64ebjv wrote

So i see you went to a home school.

Teachers don't do shit, and the zero tolerance policy means that you get in trouble too for being a victim.


Radthereptile t1_j64en4s wrote

You only think they don’t do anything because you never spoke up. Tell them, tell the principal. Schools do not need the law suit from a kid being bullied. I assure you they’ll step in.

Edit: On the chance you’re getting bullied and you spoke up without help, go to your principal and say you’re being bullied and you don’t feel safe. Make sure you emphasize you don’t feel safe. Maybe you have a crap teacher and if so I’m sorry. But the principal should know not to play games with a kid feeling unsafe. It’s hard, trust me I was picked on and it was at a time teachers legit didn’t care. But you gotta be your own advocate. Alternatively tell your parents and let them complain to the school.
