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lurkinglen t1_j3l7khk wrote

Go to the toilet and -if possible- bring a glass of water, or lukewarm tea

3 reasons to bring water:

  1. If the puking doesn't start spontaneously, then drinking a couple of big gulps will trigger it

  2. You can clean your mouth directly afterwards

  3. If you have an empty stomach, you can fill it with a bit of liquid so you avoid the horrible feeling of throwing up just a tiny bit of stomach acid


Shizz-happens t1_j3p22hd wrote

Actually, orange juice is ideal for this!


lurkinglen t1_j3qgyt1 wrote

But if you're about to puke, it's much faster to grab a glass of water instead of orange juice, especially if you're not a regular orange juice drinker or always press the juice yourself :D