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drveni_advokat t1_j4kjtag wrote

>'m going to order and pay for pizza so he doesn't have to use my fridge.



This does not sound normal to me. If you have that big concerns about this person, you should not let him stay in your place at all.


-kilix- t1_j4ksiak wrote

exactly. Either OP is unhealthily attached to his fridge or OP's guest is satan or something.


universalrifle t1_j4l2hfz wrote

There has to be something really freaky in the fridge, OP watches too much Dahmer


ramblingamblinamblin t1_j4lm00o wrote

Yeah - this story was all routine unyil the "twisted unhygenic habits" came into play. You are clearly not comfortable having this person in your space, and you clearly have a valid reason for feeling that way. Your family, members and friends don't have any business pressuring you about this because it's not their refrigerator that's gonna get messed with… This person can wait at the airport, wait at Walmart… Go to the mall… Whatever… This is not your problem if you are not comfortable, then having this person in your space, causing you a lot of worry and stress, and this should not be happening.


WenaChoro t1_j4ln8ip wrote

the story was weird from the start, it was a dumb question to begin with


ThinkingBroad t1_j4lmrua wrote

Pay for a motel room for a day


FoxInLilac t1_j4lsiwd wrote

That's what I was thinking. It sounds like it would be worth the money to book him a motel by the airport. Peace of mind!


beanzilla83 t1_j4ld2pe wrote

I agree. There's more to this than "I don't know them very well". 😅