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dontBatool t1_j5pjnc4 wrote

> "read the room" or "this thing youre doing is making me/people uncomfortable" or "youre doing this the wrong way"


Shiva_LSD t1_j5pq1o2 wrote

Again, thats true sometimes but people suck. I'm gonna be my weird self and if it makes people uncomfortable thats on them.


Tesseracting_ t1_j5ptuy9 wrote

Actually not how social interaction works.

Are they comfortable with that?

Are they a captive audience while you are making them uncomfortable for reasons out of their control?

You saying I’ll be how I want totally disregards that the other person is meeting you on an agreed social interaction level but you are disrespecting that, in this case purposefully. There is PLENTY of room to be yourself.


Shiva_LSD t1_j5q0qih wrote

Im not being disrespectful by being myself. Pretty interesting that I'm being told how to socialize considering I've learned the social skills to have quite a large group of loving friends. My quirky excitable self is what has attracted such wonderful people in my life. Thanks for the advice, but if it ain't broken I ain't fixing it.


Tesseracting_ t1_j5qcjay wrote

Okie dokie.

Notice I never once said don’t be yourself.

Also loving friends know you well, right? Not quite what we were talking about.

Get real.