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Glittering_Dealer569 t1_j50egb5 wrote

When our 12 year old GSD’s time came (she had degenerative myelopathy), we hired a vet-recommended service called “Laps of Love”. It was sweet, peaceful and dignified. The vet brought an air dry clay kit to mold one of her paw prints for us, snipped a memento lock of her hair, and soothed her with quiet words. We snuggled Jesse, said our goodbyes, and the vet quietly dosed her with sedatives. She just went to sleep in my arms. Her heart slowly stopped beating, confirmed by the vet, and they took her away on a stretcher. Two weeks later, I picked up her urn at our vet. This was our children’s first brush with an unexpected death, so I was grateful it was not a traumatic one. We laughed, remembered and of course cried. They were teenagers at the time. Thank God for services like that.


mitsuhachi t1_j50vmwe wrote

We used laps of love too. It was really good to be able to wrap our dog up in his favorite blanket ans pet and sing him to sleep one last time. That dog was over the moon for our son and used to take up station outside his nursery every night when we put the baby to bed, listened to lullabies, and then stand guard outside the nursery door all night, wouldn’t even sleep in our room anymore, lol. And the grousing if we didn’t sing when we put the baby to sleep! Hoo boy. Anyway, pupper got one last lullaby and laps of love is staffed with literal angels. Highly recommend.


Biotot t1_j51cf5q wrote

We had a similar experience last month with our girl.

I can't recommend it enough for when the time comes. It was so much better than trying to transport her to the vet that she already hates and helping her walk those final steps into the office.

It was far better to have it in the comfort of our own home where she feels safe and we can fill her full of treats and love in her favorite bed.