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myrevenge_IS_urkarma t1_j5ijr9q wrote

All the phones I've ever owned added together does not equal $1000. But it's about what is important to each person and what they want to splurge on.


pzzia02 t1_j5k0dqm wrote

Your phone must be a bit older this isthe most expensive phone ive ever owned will likely have it for a good coiple of years at least


myrevenge_IS_urkarma t1_j5kta3u wrote

Older and not Apple or Samsung. It finally dawned on me one day that there are other brands that aren't bad out there. With all the planned obsolescence, they all die after a few years anyway, so I don't choose to invest a lot.


pzzia02 t1_j5kxo50 wrote

Thats completely fair ive had a windows phone before but didnt like it nothing on their app store i have an s21 currently