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franktheguy t1_j60y9cq wrote

Sorry no, not 10,000 per week. I clarified in a different post, but I take 1 50,000 pill per week as prescribed by my doctor, and my blood work still shows low levels.


p5eudo_nimh t1_j616qtm wrote

Thanks for the clarification. I should have read further before replying.

Do you have a low-fat diet? I’m curious as to why your levels are still low. Also, do you have trouble sleeping?


franktheguy t1_j61eqru wrote

Nothing specifically different about my diet. I do have rheumatoid arthritis, and it is my rheumatologist that prescribes "the big D" for me. She says deficiency is common amongst RA patients.

I do have a lot of trouble sleeping, but I had that before taking the D. I just switched from trazodone to Quetiapine/Seroquel which has helped a lot.


p5eudo_nimh t1_j61g2d3 wrote

I’ve experienced similar. Minus the RA. Trazodone doesn’t seem to cut it some nights. And I usually wake up groggy. The new meds working without side effects?


franktheguy t1_j61j3tr wrote

More morning grogginess but less constipation. At least I can sleep through most of the night on the new one though.