Submitted by OnlyDaikon5492 t3_10m6pbz in LifeProTips

I (25m) have been struggling with anxiety and lack of follow through and am looking for a living situation that offers accountability and resources to better my mental and physical health. Do you know of any long term residencies (or at least a couple months) that are designed specifically for people looking for self-improve (other than a psych ward)? I would love a place with some structure to it where I'm pushed to socialize more with people, exercise daily, eat very healthy, and possibly other programming/events like meditation, yoga, music, art, sports, or therapeutic activities. Like a long-term wellness retreat where I can still work my regular 9-5. Any insight would be much appreciated!



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One_Wolverine6826 t1_j61in3h wrote

I had a mental health crisis in 2016, and went away for a month to Rodgers Memorial in Wisconsin. They got my meds right and taught me a ton of coping skills. It was amazing. You’d have to file FMLA for work and you don’t have to tell them what’s going on.


priz24601 t1_j64qx55 wrote

They kicked me out after 1 day because some random doctor from my insurance decided I didn't need to be there. They said I would only be approved for day treatment. Which I had already completed and they told me to go to residential next! But it can be helpful if they allow you to stay there...


One_Wolverine6826 t1_j65t12y wrote

Sorry to hear that. The American healthcare system is the greatest scam ever.


LolTacoBell t1_j65t306 wrote

What coping skills did you learn that helped you most, if you don't mind me asking?


One_Wolverine6826 t1_j65tgsz wrote

Meditation had the biggest impact. I do it every am now and also self hypnosis to set my Intention for the day.

Also, having a plan in case I was moving towards a relapse (drug addict).

Grounding techniques when anxious.

The best part of it for me was it gave me a month to get my meds right and get away from it all.


Remarkable-Owl2034 t1_j61cah7 wrote

What you are describing sounds a lot like a monastery. So, my suggestion would be to explore the option of a longer-term stay at a monastery somewhere in the country. This is not something that is common, so the options may be limited but I suspect it will give you what you need. IF you can take the time from your job. Staying in your area limits your options, obviously.


OnlyDaikon5492 OP t1_j61pico wrote

I will look into it , though not ideal to take time away from work.


Alarming-Cicada-6931 t1_j61muyr wrote

so what you described is called a sober living home or a halfway home, the one im currently in is great, we work our own jobs, have our own rooms, but get together for meals (im the chef here) and we pray, have devotionals, go to AA or NA groups, hang out in the common areas ect, basically a big family


Quiverjones t1_j61k39l wrote

Theres no place like...home? Did you ask your mom?


Modsda3 t1_j62dcm6 wrote

Your question assumes too much. I kindly suggest deleting. We are most often hurt by those responsible for our care.


days_like_this t1_j61m031 wrote

Not sure about long term as you mentioned but there are wellness retreats that offer any where from weekend to 14 day stay packages. I'm in Canada and there is one in Alberta - Vita Wellness Retreat that has what you are describing. Maybe something like that might be a good start? There are several others in different areas. probably something similar in your area?


Alarming-Cicada-6931 t1_j61n6e8 wrote

google "david's courage" to get an idea what to look for, and good luck! i was at rock bottom ready to take a long walk off a short um... bridge. and this place completely changed my life


OnlyDaikon5492 OP t1_j61pfcn wrote

Im there with ya at this point but I don’t deal with substance addiction so not sure this would be a great fit.


Alarming-Cicada-6931 t1_j62bf9x wrote

im here because of a sickness in my soul from dealing with the world for far too long alone, and i tried to cure that with many things... doesnt matter what the symptoms are is what i'm saying, the core problem was that i was alone without purpose or direction and hurting in a way that most people cant even begin to understand. id maybe just go to an open meeting and talk with people, open meetings are for everyone, not just addicts, and a damn good way to network and find good people who know exactly what NOT to do lol. maybe someone there could point you in the right direction?


keepthetips t1_j618i0j wrote

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retardedvisions t1_j61bk2o wrote

Have you tried the marine corps


OnlyDaikon5492 OP t1_j61fbjm wrote

I want to continue to be able to work my job so I don’t think Marine Corps is right for me


flightwatcher45 t1_j621fb9 wrote

So you want to change without changing lol. Sorta kidding. Take some classes at a local community College or trades school, just one, an hr or two a week. Start the commitment to something slowly. You can do it, first step is the hardest.


haplography t1_j61qpta wrote

It sounds like you are describing a halfway house or a group home. Some of them focus on helping people with mental or physical difficulties, others are designed to provide 'sober living'. You'll also see people who are recently released from prison living in houses like this since it's otherwise hard for them to get jobs or housing.

Just be warned that a huge majority of programs like this are religious in nature so if you aren't particularly religious they might not be a good fit.


CannaVet t1_j62dnnf wrote

Have you tried.......... Just fucking doing a thing?

I sound shitty but that's how I've found to make shifts in my habits. I still have bad habits and need more good ones but I'm SO much farther than I used to be. You don't gotta like it, you just gotta do it and hate it. Then, though, next time sucks less. Let the negative emotions surrounding it drive you, push through in spite of them.

I've got a long way to go to be the best version of myself or wtfever, but I've been off nicotine two years, walked everyday for over one, and dropped 60 pounds while wrangling my booze habit into control. Got plenty of other changes to make but I stopped letting the perfect be the enemy of the good - the best lifestyle changes are the small manageable you can actually commit to if you really try, then you have a base to build off of.

Of course, that's all my experience with what works for me, but I believe in you friend.


OnlyDaikon5492 OP t1_j62m7pe wrote

I guess I have tried but it just hasn’t cut it. Spent time exercising, socializing, eating healthy, going to therapy/practicing positive thinking but it doesn’t last.


Adonis0 t1_j62lqef wrote

Depends on your country

I know of some in Queensland, Australia


OnlyDaikon5492 OP t1_j62m1h5 wrote

Could you give me some names?


Adonis0 t1_j62mx0j wrote

Reading through your criteria again I missed that you want to work your regular 9-5.. apologies for getting your hopes up


Lanceo90 t1_j630n2c wrote

Unless you have a work from home job, I don't think think there's something exactly like what you're looking for.

Most would require some kind of substance problem or criminal problem. Options that don't wouldn't be full time stays, or would be vacations/not working.

Your best bet would probably be to join a club. Like taking a class at the YMCA, or signing on with a D&D team at the local card shop, book club at the library, etc.

Its not a full time situation like you want but it would be something with some structure and socializing you do weekly. And they're low stakes, things people shouldn't care about if you get nervous and don't show up.

If you have the money to spare, you could also stay at a local hotel for a while. It would give you the feeling of getting away for a while, but also keep you in range of getting to work.


tapatiotundra t1_j63ij41 wrote

I was just thinking this the other day. Why don’t they have the equivalent of a halfway house but for adults that just need the engagement and accountability for a while, but outside of/not related to religious and criminal based influences. Like a home life reset program. Work is work, but home life is ever changing and complex - and a place where one could learn to get a grip on a new home life flow would be so nice. I’m with ya OP


Plane_Poem_5408 t1_j66c7yr wrote

Short of finding like minded people and creating your own. I would say look online. There are plenty of self improvement groups, for just about every niche. A strong and good online community can be good for being held accountability.

Would be cool if there were housing program like that, just unaware of any (minus like rehab facilities, mental Heath facilities)