Submitted by ftfrftfr t3_10lz44t in LifeProTips

This type of procrastination fools you into thinking that watching a highly educational documentary instead of finishing your impending deadlines is still productive and worthwhile. In reality, your work is still undone as if you had allotted that time for video games, thereby making this "productivity" more dangerous than just goofing off.

Inspired by this article:



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CanisZero t1_j5zvfxr wrote

Or ignore op and do what ya gotta to get up and moving around.


dangerade t1_j63txrr wrote

Seriously. I do some of my best work when I'm avoiding something else. Sure, be aware, but harness that shit.


NotAnAlreadyTakenID t1_j67jig0 wrote

Yes. Whatever you do to get to and through your tasks should be valued. I often start by doing small simple tasks in the list to get quick wins, shorten the list, and build momentum.


HouseStraight t1_j60qiwj wrote

I can sort of see your point if it is truly effecting your ability to be get work done on time, but I’m also not sure how I feel about the implication that doing something other than work - particularly watching a highly educational documentary- is unproductive and not worthwhile. Learning (especially if you enjoy it!) is always worthwhile. Also, learning is sort of the basis for productivity is it not? Running yourself into the ground is also not good for long-term productivity. If you get your shit done on time, you get it done on time. Who gives a fuck what you do in the meantime?

The whole productivity mindset of getting as much done as you can at all times is insane to me. How do you have time to feel happy and relaxed if all you’re doing is beating yourself up for not being “productive enough”? When is productivity too productive?

Edit: fixed wording


ftfrftfr OP t1_j60u8pp wrote

Don't get me wrong. Learning outside of your work is enriching and may even help your main work. The problem is when you digress from the work you actually need to get done and do something productive but not yet relevant on the side. It fools you because you think you're doing work when really you have more urgent work piling up. Read the linked article talking about Q3.


grumblyoldman t1_j60duac wrote

Yeah, at least if I had been playing video games, I'd have the comfort of knowing I advanced in my games.


keepthetips t1_j5zuo22 wrote

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skunksmasher t1_j60xxb6 wrote

I always know when I am deliberately procrastinating. It's called life.


ATXDefenseAttorney t1_j61muf0 wrote

I have a better idea. Everybody stop being hard on yourself for not being perfect. Nobody is.


Furlz t1_j64ivzo wrote

I do this all the time and sometimes my best ideas come from procrastinating other things


botsarecool3 t1_j66jfgl wrote

... aka w4w (work for work's sake). This is well described in Tim Ferriss' book The Four Hour Workweek. Also pro tip from his book: have a think about the 20% of things that cause 80% of your problems. Vice versa. 20% of things that cause 80% of your happiness. Then try to eliminate the bad things and spend more time on the good things.


shaqshakesbabies t1_j62dda1 wrote

Or, procrastinating is procrastinating. It’s like you’re trying to break something when you don’t need to. Lol, like there’s different levels or ways to procrastinate. Who would thunk 🤔 /s